(Special Report) Scientists Reveal A 100% Drug Free Way To Restore Your Memory And Fight Age Related Brain Decline

  This Reverses Memory Loss

Global Scientists Reveal How To "Reverse" Age Related Memory Decline Regardless of age or health Status

This Cutting Edge Brain Protocol Restores Aging Brain Cells, Sharpens Focus & Fights Back Brain Disease In Just Days

  Research Shows This 100% Drug Free Solution Can Rebuild Your Brain Function, Memory And Concentration Even If You Are 50, 60, 70 Or Older

In The Next Five Minutes You Will Learn

  • How To Restore Your Aging Memory (At Any Age)
  • ​How to Pressure Wash Your Aging Brain Cells
  • How to Clear Out Elderly Brain Fog
  • How to Regain Prime of Life Though Processing
  • How to Keep Your Brain Healthy At 50, 60, 70 and Beyond

Let's Start Here...

What If One Daily Change Could HALT Memory Loss & Restore Your Youthful Brain Function?

Sounds wild, right?

Here is the cool part, total brain restoration is very possible.

... And everythig I am going to share is backed by iron clad science.

Hi, I'm medical scientist Clint Winters.

As you will learn, I am one of the foremost nutraceutical experts in the world. 

... And today I am covering an "anti memory loss protocol" that will simply blow you away. 

Science Has NOW Proven A Way To Restore Your Aging Memory & Boost Brain Function With One Daily Change

Improve Your Brain Health Forever...

... And this "change" does not require any crazy lifestyle changes. 

I mean nothing, NO special drugs or expensive doctors visits.

NO special foods

... And NO new exercise routine.

Today I Am Revealing A Natural "Memory Loss" Protocol That Is More Powerful Than Any Brain Drug In Human History.

... And 1/10th The Cost Of Drugs

... And I have clinical proof to back that up (below).

Here is the truth...

Brain "aging" is a total myth.

You don't have to sit and just wait for memories to leave your brain.

You don't have to wait for your cognition to slip away. 

You could do something, today, to rebuild your brain cells and prevent against Alzheimers.  
This solution is backed by decades of successful clinical trails and thousands of private use cases. 

I am revealing everything below...

After Decades Of Clinical Research

The Solution I Am Revealing Today Is Considered A "Front Line" Answer For Age Related Memory Loss

 No Prescription Required

This conclusion came from TOP international doctors after years of research. 

THIS powerful ingredient is the documend KEY to fighting age-related memory loss.

It could be a NEW lease on life for millions.

... And that is just ONE recent study. 

There are even more ongoing clinical trials as you read this, all showing incredible results

As you will read, its effects on the brain are SIMPLY PROFOUND.

Many Doctors Consider This Natural Compound The Key To Stopping "Age-Related Memory Loss" Forever.

Just Look At This 2019 Meta Analysis...

"This Review Reveals The Effective Use Of This Powerful Compound In Cognition And Neuroprotection And Its Active Ingredients That Can Be Used In Novel Alzheimer's Therapy Discovery."

Here Is What It Does...

  • Firstly, it releases "brain-specific" antioxidants that are known to protect and KILL toxic free radicals that threaten to destroy your brain cells and erase years of memories.
  • Then, it strategically supports healthy blood flow to the brain which maximizes tissue repair and daily cognition.
  • Additionally, it increases communication between receptors, which allows for "laser fast" thought processing, memory recall, and reasoning - bringing you back to your PRIME or EVEN better.

Finally, It Has Even Been Studied To Fight The Build-Up Of Alzheimers Causing Plaque In Your Brain, Keeping Your Brain Cells Clear

Cementing Your Memories For Life...

... And this is not based on some "new science".

Or a handful of shaky clinical trials.

This is an ancient secret that goes back thousands of years.

It was the brain supporter of scholars and rulers across time.

Today, there are over 500 completed or ongoing clinical trials on the ingredient as you read this, many as recent as 2019,2020 and 2021.

This Is A Brain And Memory Breakthrough That You Can Use To Slow Memory Loss As Early As TODAY. 

This has become a very important focus for leading brain researchers all across the world.  

So, If you are concerned about your aging memory, all of this should get you excited.

... And all you need to do is keep reading.  

But First, Here Is A Little About Me...

I Came From The Dark Side Of Medicine


My name is Steve Rector and your probably know me as the CEO of GDR Labs™, one of the most innovative supplement development companies in the world.

Myself and my company have become world renowned for distributing some of the most powerful natural formulas in the world, 100% American made.

... And you probably know I have a dark past.

I used to work for the "other side" as a hospital corporation CEO and pharmaceutical executive.
But this experience has given me a very unique perspective today.

What I saw over those years STILL haunts me to my core which is why I LEFT and took the path of natural medicine.

... And that brings me to a terrible truth.

When It Comes To Memory Loss,
Big Pharma Knows You Are a Soft Target

... They know you are scared.

Heck, losing memory is one of the scariest things that can happen to you as you age, right?

As you probably assume the US Pharmaceutical industry makes BILLIONS off of this fear.

The Same Ineffective Drugs Get Pushed Out, They Rake In Billions, Yet Age Related Memory Decline Gets Worse & Worse...

World Health Organization, Terrifying Facts...

  • 6 Million Americans Suffer from Alzheimers or Dementia Today
  • This number is expected to reach 13 million by 2050
  • Each year, this horrible situation gets worse and worse.
Now, those stats are terrifying, right?

As modern medicine gets more "advanced" the issue just gets worse and wore.

Why? The expensive treatments pushed on you simply do not work.

But, I have left the scariest stat for now, this is one that makes it hard to sleep at night.

1 In 3 Seniors Dies With Alzheimer's Or Another Dementia. It Kills More Than Breast Cancer And Prostate Cancer Combined.

Yes! Brain Decline is Deadly...

If you are like me, you may be speechless right now.

Age related memory loss is not just scary, it is deadly.

Deadlier than cancer.

... And the pharmaceuticals of today do nothing to help.

I Have Personally Watched Powerful Brain Protocols Get Silenced In Lieu Of ineffective & expensive Drugs

... And That Ends Today

If you know me, you have heard me discuss this before.
As a hospital executive I have been privvy to some of the world's biggest pharmaceutical trials.

... And I have seen natural brain protocols, with incredible momentum, die on the vine.

Silenced and suppressed to make room for drugs that barely work (if at all).

... And all of these drugs come with a HOST of side effects and HUGE cost.

Heck, The Last FDA Approval Surrounding A Brain Drug Was So Controversial A DOJ Investigation Was Opened And High Level FDA Executives Had To Resign.

You know it is bad when they turn on their own.

However, this page is not about scandal, it is about revealing the truth.

Finally, after years, I want to bring light to a protocol I saw in a clinical setting.
A protocol that has the ability to CHANGE your brain health forever.

A protocol that I believe will save lives.

Ready? Here we go... 

This Report Explains How To Bullet Proof Your Memory & Fight Off Brain Disease

Even If You Are 50, 60 or Even 70 Years Old

I want to START here.

This whole page is the HOW.
I know this, inevitable brain aging is a total myth.

Getting Alzehimers without a fighting chance is a myth.

You can fight it, right away - You just need to take action and give your brain what it needs.

You need to allow it to THRIVE

So, I need to confirm this 100%. 

The Ability To STOP Brain Aging, FIGHT Brain Disease And RESTORE Your Lost Memory Is Now Scientifically Possible

Memory Loss is NOT Inevitable...

You don't have to just let your brain get old - you can do something.

But, it will, if you do nothing, you need to start today.

Your brain is aging by the day, decline is coming for us all. 

You have to give it what it needs to THRIVE and assist in staving off memory loss.

... And that is exactly what I cover on this page - A way to immediately nourish your brain cells.

When you nourish your brain, magical things may begin to happen.
  • Day By Day Memories Could Become More Clear
  • Your Thought Processing Sharpens
  • ​Your Elderly Brain Fog Disappears
  • ​Names Become Easy To Remember
  • ​Mentally, You Will Feel Years Younger
For many private users, they are feeling "prime of life" cognition into their 70's and 80s. 

All Of These Brain Benefits Are Possible Right Now

As You Will Read, Thousands Of Clinical Test Users Are Achieving Miraculous Results With Total Ease. 

Every day their minds grow stronger and stronger.

NOT only can they feel their brain function restoring... but their brain is functioning the best it has in their entire life.

That is why it is imperative that you read every word on this page. 

Here Is Part Of The Secret...

Scientists Have Discovered A Land Where Brain's Never Age...

This is all impossible, right?

There is NO WAY to stop or slow brain aging, right?

WRONG!!! Others, your age, are doing it right now.

In fact, one small village made INTERNATIONAL news when researchers found their brains seemingly never aged.

Seriously, I save the article below

This Village Had Elders That Were In Their 60s, 70s, And 80s With The SAME Brain Function As Someone In Their 20s And 30s

0% Occurence Or Alzheimers Or Dementia

Yes, 0%, Not a single case.

As it turns out, they have had a secret for years. 

... And that secret (which I reveal on this page) may be the MOST important brain discovery of our time. 

So, If you are worried about your aging brain health and memory loss, you need to read every word of this page (to the very bottom). 

This is how you FIGHT brain aging...
In fact, the solution you are about to learn is NOW being called a SIGNIFICANT brain discovery by world-leading doctors.

Clinical trials are ramping up and it is now considered a front line defense against Alzheimers. 

And here is the crazy part, this powerful solution has been DIRECTLY in front of us for centuries. 

It has been used century after century to bolster brain health in the world's 'brain-healthiest' nation.
As I found out (and reveal below) it has been used for thousands of years.

It was famously used by ancient scholars to help memorize lengthy hymns and scriptures.

Additionally, it was given to school-age children to support their focus and attention (this practice still happens today, more on that below).

Those children happen to be the most stuidous on earth.

In fact, it had such an impact on their culture they named it after their God of Creation

Which is also referred to as the “brain center” of their religion. 

All of this sounds wild, right? 

Western Scientists Realized THIS SINGLE COMPOUND Is The Reason For The LOWEST Instances Of Age-Related Memory Loss In The World. 

For sake of research, they focused on the very Indian village I reference above.

They wanted to scientifically figure out how this population was defying time when it comes to brain health.

Brains did NOT age. 

Cognition loss was nearly NON Existent.

Brain diseases simply did not exist, not a single case. 

Even as their bodies age, their mind stays sharp, as if they were decades younger.

Leading doctors spent months unraveling this mystery.
The net result is simply the biggest brain health discovery in modern history.

Today, more and more concluding research is simply reinforcing that sentiment.

Medical Science Has NOW Found A Powerful Way To Fight Memory Loss And Build Back Brain Function Without Drugs

In fact, it is 100% DRUG-FREE, with no known side effects.

You don't even need to see a doctor. 

Over the NEXT FIVE MINUTES, you are going the learn the FUTURE of Brain Health.

I'm ready to jump into everything.

Let's Begin..

So, What Is This Brain Healing Compound?

The Scientific Name Is Bacopa Monnieri

Ok, it is time. 

Here is the clinically proven secret to eternal brain health. 

The solution is Bacopa Monnieri, also known as "Brahmi".
Bacopa grows in wet, tropical environments, and has the ability to thrive underwater, ensuring its purity for medicinal use.

Bacopa Has Been Used For Centuries In Traditional Ayurvedic Medicine, Citing Incredible Brain Function And Memory Benefits Benefits

 In fact, it has been specifically known for its ability to stimulate brain activity and memory while easing anxiety. 
This powerful aquatic plant contains bacosides, which support antioxidant production in the cerebral cavity, providing tremendous benefits.

This plant specifically gives the brain what it needs to fight against memory crushing toxins.
For decades, Bacopa has been loosely recognized as therapeutic but never recognized by Western medicine.
Over the last 15 years all of that has changed.
A few early clinical trials that yielded stunning results have led to more and more being conducted all over the country.

Bacopa Is the Most Researched “Smart Ingredient” In History

Clinically Proven To Fight Brain Decline & Memory Loss

I want you to read this section very closely, the clinical data is astounding. 

According To Pub Med There Are 545 Clinical Trials Or Reviews That Now Reference The Use Of Bacopa. 

More are coming online daily. 

However, the amount is information is not as impressive as the clinically documented results.
Below I have created a research time line.

You can see the research and proven benefits grow as the years go on. 

Bacopa is NOW the most researched brain health active ingredient in the word.

However, a 2019 meta analysis changed everything.

That clinical review combined all of the Bacopa data into one singular clinical review.

Top Scientists Were Able To Conclude That Bacopa Was Not Only Beneficial BUT It Was More Powerful Than Brain Pharmaceuticals And EFFECTIVE As A "Front Line" Age-Related Memory Loss Protocol.

A "Front Line" treatment means it is the lead therapy, not a support supplement. 

That is the breakthrough I want you to truly absorb. 

As Of 2021, Countless Clinical Studies By Top Medical Researchers In The World Have Concluded That Bacopa Is The Most Effective, Yet Safest, Brain-Boosting Ingredient In The World.

In fact, in many cases it outperforms expensive and dangerous pharmaceuticals.

Here Is The Clinical Study Time Line Beginning In 2007

Neuroprotective Mechanisms of Bacopa Against Alzheimers
These data combined with our previous studies that have shown that BmE treatment reduces beta-amyloid levels in the brain of an Alzheimer's disease suggesting mechanisms of action relevant to the treatment of Alzheimer's disease.
Cognitive Enhancement and Brain Protection Effects Against Alzheimers
The present study demonstrated that Bacopa monnieri extract could mitigate the memory impairment and the degeneration of neurons in Alzheimer's patients.
Brain Cell Protection Against Alzheimers
Thus, our findings demonstrate that BM can protect human neuroblastoma cells against H2O2 and acrolein through different mechanisms involved in the pathophysiology of AD and have a therapeutic application in the prevention of AD.
Effect Of Bacopa On Alzheimers Patients
The results of our clinical trial show that Bacopa monnieri supplementation resulted in improvement in cognitive functions in geriatric patients suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. 
AChE Inhibition In Alzheimers Patients
In the present investigation significant AChE inhibition was observed with an oral dose of ethanol extract of Bacopa monnieri in all brain regions. A significant inhibition was observed in each brain region showing highest inhibition in the cerebral cortex.
Neuroprotective Effects of Bacopa Against Alzheimers
Administration of Bacopa was seen to protect the cholinergic neurons and reduce anticholinesterase activity comparable to donepezil, rivastigmine, and galantamine. It also reduces hippocampal β-amyloid deposition and stress-induced hippocampal damage. 


 Bacopa Compounds Targeting Alzheimers Disease
This result depicts the Bacopa monneri derivatives having significant role to design new compounds with these properties for treating Alzheimer's disease.
Bacopa, Proven As Lead Treatment Against Alzheimers
The overall studies have concluded that Brahmi can be used as a lead formulation for treatment of Alzheimer's disease and other neurological disorders.
Bacopa, Promotes Brain Cell Re Growth
Bacopa successfully increased brain dendrite (cell) growth and brain cell network efficiency leading to increased learning and memory recall.

Here Are Additional Clinically Proven Benefits...

Enhanced Brain Function: Participants were given various doses of bacopa to determine their effects on intellect and memory.
Specifically, these participants were tested with written exams, and then their brain would be studied for improvements in the basolateral amygdala, essentially, the part of the brain that determines learning ability and memory retention.Upon study conclusion, statistically important improvements were made in the form of enhanced concentration and thought processing.
Increased Learning Ability: A placebo-based study in Australia found that bacopa usage increased the speed that visual information could be studied, and increased the retention rate of the information. The longer the test subjects took the bacopa, the better the effects got!
Increased Thought Processing: In Thailand, a study with sixty subjects, with the average age of 62 years old, found that taking 300 or 600 mg of Bacopa heavily suggested that it can improve attention and general cognitive processing. Working memory was also drastically improved over the placebo group.
Reduces Chronic Inflammation: A study in Montana found that bacopa inhibits inflammatory molecules from making their way to the brain by blocking the neuro pathways. They tried various extracts of bacopa and found that all of them thoroughly inhibited caspase-1 (an inflammatory enzyme that causes memory loss) from reaching the brain. Several other enzymes that are also signs of memory loss and other neurodegenerative diseases were also blocked by bacopa.

More Results Build Each Day

The Modern Medical Community Now Recognizes Bacopa As A Front Line Solution For Age-Related Memory Loss And Disease

It is now considered strong enough to treat Alzheimers (I have the research below).
The stated benefits are astounding, and you are moments away from learning all of them.

But before you exit out of this page and buy store bought Bacopa.

There is an important issue you need to know. 

 Here Is The Bad News...

Store Bought Powder and Pill Bacopa Does Not Benefit The Brain...

Why? It does not absorb well in the body. 

In fact, raw bacopa is nearly useless. 

Yes! This is a big problem

... And it is oh so frustrating. 

The Brain Benefits Of Bacopa Are Extraordinary And The Clinicial Science You Will Read Below Is Some Of The Best In The World 

However, Here Is The Huge Problem...

ONE huge looming issue that will keep you from quickly restoring your aging memory. 


You see, bacopa is not a very bio-available in pill or powder form.

In fact, it barely absorbs at all, negating any of the potential brain benefit. 

... And the incredible research studies below DID NOT use pill or power bacopa for their incredible research studies.

They used IV injectable bacopa, only available in a clinical setting. 

The Clinical Grade Bacopa Used In Clinical Testing Is Always A Standardized IV Injection (Not Available In Stores)

Clinical trials generally use IV delivery due to the fact that bio availability can be predicted across users. 

Bioavailability is the percentage of active ingredient actually accessed by the body.

The closer to 100% the better. 

When someone takes a powder it is TOTALLY unpredictable due to age, digestive health and a variety of other health factors. 
You see, digestion absorption varies by health and age drastically, making clinical trials "uncontrolled" and very hard to predict. 

In fact, look at this startling clinical stat...
"Following oral administration in humans, oral bioavailability is low (<1%) due to rapid and extensive metabolism in the intestine and liver. These levels are maintained even after repeated or increased dosage administration"
This means even taking MORE and MORE often does not work. 

You probably know this well if you have noticed your digestion getting worse over the years.

Two people, in the same clinical trial will get TOTALLY different results due to absorption. 

... And then there is another HUGE variable, pill delivery.

According To Clinical Data Bacopa Powder Or Pills Only Absorb To The Tune Of 1%, Yielding It Ineffective For Brain Benefit. 

An active ingredient that works at 100%, will not work very well at 1%. 

Imagine if your car could only access 1% of its horse power... every car would be slow. 

When you compound THIS issue with aging digestion issues, absorption can end up very low if not nearly 0%

Obviously, when it barely absorbs, it cannot work.

So the brain boosting potential of Bacopa sits there, untapped. 

... Your memory unchanged

This is why Bacopa hasn't swept the world building back brain function and memory for thousands. 

I Put Myself On A Mission

I Began Searching For A Highly Absorbable Form Of Bacopa That Could Provide The Same BenefitS I Saw Published In Medical Journals

I was so close, I could FEEL it.
Bacopa WAS and IS the answer.

The science proved it in spades, I just needed to find a solution that would absorb into the human body and give the brain the support it needed.

... I needed a version with a high level of absorption

A version that was not another pill.

I just had to look hard enough.

I Knew There Had To Be A Scientific Solution To This Massive Absorption Problem

A solution that will allow you to get 100% of the proper "brain boosting" effect from Bacopa.

... And that is exactly what I found.

The rest of this page is NOT just about Bacopa.

The Remainder Of This Page Is About The MOST POTENT Sublingual Bacopa Ever Developed

In fact, it is the only sublingual Bacopa in the world.

It carries a near 100% absorption rate. 

A real life liquid "memory booster" that works regardless of age or health status.

Cool, right?

... And I all comes down to the work of medical scientist Clint Winters.

I will let him explain the in's and outs. 

Allow Me To Introduce Clint Winters, One Of The Top Nutraceutical Inventors In The World


I am Medical Scientist Clint Winters.

Even if you don't know me directly, you know my nutraceutical patents.

I am considered a world expert in the feild of natural technology and supplement innovation.

I began my career by working from Harvard research to develop "wearable FAR Infrared" a healing technology used around the world.

In 2019 I developed and patented a nutrient extraction system responsible for some of the most powerful liquid supplements in the world.
Then in 2022, my invention Conolidine CONOCB2 became the official pain reliever of UFC, globablly and now it is taking the world by storm. 

So, let's just say that I know a thing or two supplement innovation.

... And that is why Bacopa development became so important to me.

Luckily, my prime focus is human nutrient absorption, bioavailablity. 

I thrive on creating active ingredient rich liquids and ENSURING they absorb into the human body.

In fact, I am a scientific leader in absorption with several patented technologies. 

I Knew That I Could Use My Patented Nutrient Extraction Technologies To Create The Most Powerful Sublingual Bacopa In The World 

... And that is exactly what I would go on to do.

Without a second more delay...

Introducting Highly Concentrated Liquid Neurotol™, The Most Potent Sublingual Bacopa Monnieri In The World

Let's jump in. 

Neurotol™ is not your average Bacopa.

In fact, it is the only version of Bacopa that has been developed using my proprietary dual polar extraction method. 

Neurotol™ is created by extracting the active ingredients inside of Bacopa via a proprietary dual polar extraction process and using a proprietary technique to enhance absorption by nearly 3000%

Neurotol™ Is a Highly Concentrated Sublingual Bacopa That Is Formulated To Absorb Quickly And Provide Substantial Brain Benefit

This is not just an hypothesis, as you will read this formula has been clinically tested for nearly five years.

Over 5,000 users have reported incredible benefits.

You will read this stories below...

But first, I want to explain how I supercharged Neurotol™.

Enhanced With Daily Energy & Focus Boosting Green Tea Extract

A Known Brain Super Antioxidant

Honestly, Neurotol™ without green tea was (and still is) very powerful. However, I wanted to take it to the NEXT LEVEL.

I wanted to "feel" Neurotol™ immediately, I wanted to feel my brain "fire on" each morning.

... And that is exactly what adding this super compound achieved.

Everything I am about to explain is based on research directly from Healthline, one of the most notable medical publications in the world.

Overall, green tea extract is FULL of brain (and health) boosting antioxidants along with being a safe and natural form of caffeine.

... And the "type" of antioxidant is what is really important.

Green tea extract is made up of "polyphenol" antioxidants named "catechins".

These super antioxidants not only provide profound benefit but they INCREASE your natural antioxidant capacity.

YES! Making the antioxidants in Neurotol™ EVEN MORE effective.

In 2012 Scientists Were Able To Prove That Consuming Green Tea Extract For 8 Weeks More Than DOUBLED The Human Capacity To Use Other Antioxidants.


... And it has the ability to provide direct brain benefit.

In fact, green tea extract has been shown to provide additional brain support fighting diseases such as Parkinsons, Alzheimer's and Dementia.

It also works to decrease heavy metals in the brain while boosting memory.

Past the brain it also helps support...

  • Heart Health by managing blood pressure & cholesterol
  • Weight Loss by increasing metabolic function
  • Liver function by decreasing toxic liver fats
  • ​Premature skin aging by increasing skin elasticity and inflammation
  • ​Physical performance by increasing tissue recovery
  • ​Blood sugar levels by improving insulin activity
Pretty cool, right?

... And the natural caffeine content provides a safe and effective "focus" boost taking your daily cognition to a new level.

So, I used my dual polar extraction method to create a highly concentrated liquid green tea extract and I added it to Neurotol™. 

Now, let's put it all together...

The Net Result Is A Brain Super Ingredient That Gives You An Immediate Mental Boost And Long Term Cognitive Protection

Get Back to "Prime Of Life" Mental Processing

Now, you have seen all of this research come together.

Adding green tea extract was a major "supercharger".

As you now know the powerful antioxidants in green tea, also work to further enhance the effects of Bacopa.

You are quite literally attacking your brain health from all angles while boosting focus levels from day 1.

The science speaks for itself, but I still want to break down EXACTLY how your brain is going to benefit.

Meet your new cognitive secret weapon! 

Neurotol™ "Pressure Washes" Your Brain Cells, Boosting Memory & Clearing Cob Webs

This is a huge breakthrough.

Neurotol™ Gives You The Ability To Scrub Your Brain Cells, Eliminating The Age-Related Cobwebs.

Say Goodbye To Age Related Brain Fog

As you age your brain gets more and more infected by toxins, causing your brain to function less and less efficiently. 

Sound familiar? We tend to call it elderly "brain fog".

Toxins, free radicals, and plaque build by the day ruining your cognition and ability to process thought. 
Toxins are INEVITABLE, but there is NOW something you can do to defend yourself. 

Think about it... how good would it feel if you could get rid of the free radicals and built-up plaque that are ravaging your brain function, making you feel old and fuzzy. 

I can tell you this... you would INSTANTLY feel younger and MORE FUNCTIONAL

Well, that reality is EXACTLY what you are learning about today.
Bacopa, the main active ingredient in Neurotol™ contains "brain-specific" antioxidants called bacosides. 

These antioxidants are designed specifically to protect the brain, and there is nothing else in the world like them. 

This Is Like A Natural "Wash" For Your Brain That Eliminates The Brain Damaging Free Radicals That Compromise Your Memory. 

Plus, it will give you the ability to keep it CLEAN and CLEAR for years, diminishing your risk of age-related memory loss. 

Every Aspect Of Your Brain Will Improve

You Will Think Clearer, Process Faster And FINALLY Regain Your Iron Clad Memory Recall. 

You are on track to protecting years of memories and supercharing your brain function.

Plus, this is not the only benefit.

Here Are 4 Ways Neurotol™ Will Protect & Supercharge Your Aging Brain

Benefit 1: Optimizes Brain Chemicals and MoodAs we age, our brain chemicals get lower and lower in the brain, causing mood issues and lack of motivation. However, Neurotol™ is a natural neuromodulator, which means it naturally gives the body the ability to produce more brain chemicals when needed… but never too much. This natural advantage ENSURES you have the right brain chemistry 24/7, which DIRECTLY lowers the stress hormone cortisolThis means, during a tough cognitive task, you can stay positive, motivated, and calm to get the job done while others struggle.
Benefit 2: Optimizes Brain Cell Communication. The more efficient your brain cells communicate, the better you can process thought. A key part of this process are cells called dendrites. As they age, your brain processes thoughts and recall much slower. However, Neurotol™ is clinically proven to bolster the health of your dendrites, maximizing your ability to process thought. In fact, Neurotol™ actually stimulates dendrite growth, allowing your brain to seemingly grow younger by the day.
Benefit 3: Increases Brain Circulation. Healthy Blood flow is KEY for healthy brain operation just like every other organ. Unfortunately, brain circulation slows as you age depriving your brain cells of oxygen and nutrients. However, Neurotol™ has now been clinically studied for its ability to enhance brain brain blood flow, by stimulating the release of nitric oxide from blood vessel walls. This ensures your brain cells are fully healthy and nourished for years to come.
Benefit 4: Eliminates Alzheimers Causing PlaqueIf you are aging, there is nothing scarier than β-amyloid plaque, the root cause of Alzheimers.
In several studies, Neurotol™ has been shown to inhibit the formation and aggregation of β-amyloid, drastically lowering the risk of losing your memories as you age. This is why scientists believe this is a bonafide cure for Alzheimers.

... And Then Steve & GDR Labs™ Approached Me To Globally Produce Neurotol™

As you now know, I'm a scientist and inventor, I don't sell supplements.

I create the most potent natural solutions I can and then license to partners who produce with my blessing.

Here Are My Three Non Negotiables...

  • Neurotol™ Must Be Produced With Absolute Rigid Quality Standards
  • ​It Must Stay 100% American Made
  • ​​It Must Be Produced Affordably So The Average American Can Afford
As you will read, GDR Labs™ meets and EXCEEDS all of those pre requisites.  In fact, GDR Labs™ is one of the most advanced and trusted manufacturers in the world.

As you will read, they ONLY produce per the highest manufacturing standards and they have executed these principles for years.

Plus, they are A to Z located in the United States, even customer support.

I will hand it back to Steve to explain the processes.

What you are about to read is the future of supplement manufacturing...

My Team Worked Directly With Clint And His Firm To Develop Neurotol™ For Global Distribution

Powerful Memory Booster Fully Backed By Science

As I'm sure you will agree, Neurotol™ is really innovative. 

Now, here is where things get truly exciting. 

I will be the first to admit, in the world of health, there is not much that is TRULY new.
In the world of "memory" innovation, new solutions are even fewer and farther between. 

New research emerges from time to time, but a TOTALLY new technology is very rare.

Something as proprietary and scientifically backed as Neurotol™ is even more rare. 

... And it works beyond all expectations. 
This is a brand new brain science, yielding incredible results.

Even as you read this, this breakthrough is gaining tremendous momentum. 

... And it is SO simple to use daily (I explain below). 

Once available, it will give you a way to support your brain health right from the privacy of their home.

... And that is why my team and I worked so hard to bring this to life

My Laboratory Production Team Worked With Winters Biotechnology To Bring Neurotol™ Out Of The Lab And Into Full Scale Consumer Production

Today, you are a few years ahead of the curve. 

You are about to access a simple, drug-free protocol, that will change EVERYTHING about your brain health. 

The best cognitive health of your life could be days away from rushing back.

... And it only requires an investment of a few seconds per day. 

Think about how your life could be different. 

Neurotol™ Is Your Key To Restoring Prime Of Life Mental Processing & Memory

The big question I get, how does it feel to use Neurotol™?

All of this clinical information is incredible, but how does it REALLY work on the brain, what does it feel like?

First of all, the Neurotol™ liquid is fast absorbing and fast acting.

Neurotol™ Goes To Work Right Away...

Many Private Test Users Have Described Using Neurotol™ As The Fastest Way To Activate The Brain And Restore Prime-of-Life Memory Recall and Function.

Brain cells that have been dormant, are firing back up, getting back into the game of life.

Many have described this as their brain "feeling younger".

At first, you notice little things.

You will have more energy in the morning.

Names will come back easier.
Memories will be quickly recalled.

... And then, over time, the benefits become more pronounced.

You will actually FEEL your brain processing better, reasoning better.

Elderly brain fog lifts.

... And then something incredible happens.

You Will Feel Back In Your Mental Prime...

As You Will Read Many Neurotol™ Users Feel "Prime Of Life" Mental Function Into Their 60s, 70s And Even Older. 

... And here is the cool part.

These results expand WELL outside clinical research.

We have tested thousands of aging adults with incredible outcomes.

Here are some of those stories...

Over 5,000 Users Tested Neurotol™ In Over 2 Years Of Clinical Analysis

Let's agree, the clinical research above is exciting.

However, the human clinical testing is where the rubber meets the road.

Frankly, that is all that matters, right?

... How Neurotol™ affects others just like you and me.

Who cares what science says if you can't feel a noticeable benefit.

That Is Why We Conducted An Elaborate Neurotol™ Clinical Analysis Involving Thousands Of Testers Spanning The Last 2 Years

Neurotol™ was first introduced from the lab in 2020.

It took two full years to develop. 

The finished product went into immediate human clinical testing. 

To Date, 5,061 Users Have Experienced The Amazing Benefits Of Neurotol™.

Astonishing 96% Success Rate

Below, you will read just a FEW user reports.

The success has been incredible.

You will find even more at the bottom of the page.

Here are a few you can read right away..
My husband has been having some memory issues for sometime, however since he has been taking Neurotol, he is noticeably doing much better! Thank you for this wonderful product! - Vicki D
i am an actor and as i get older it is harder to memorize my lines. it gets quite frustrating and on "set" time is money and my lines are the last thing i should be thinking of. neurotol has been a life saver! i make sure to use it when memorizing my lines and always have it on set to keep me sharp and quick thinking. - Craig Ng
I have ordered and have been using your Neurotol Bacopa supplement. I have tried other Bacopa supplements (tablet form), but your "under the tongue" liquid Bacopa Neurotol is much more effective. I will be 83 years old in a few weeks and find that I think of what I have to do (too much!), and 30 seconds later, it's gone from my memory. I re-focus and it comes back immediately with Neurotol which greatly improves my focus. I cannot be without it. Thank you! -
Alice Jouve
I recommend Neurotol to absolutely everyone! My brain feels faster, my mood has been elevated and I feel as if I have fresh, calmer way of approaching problems. Never did I expect such a powerful, effective product.
Brooke Barnes

 Verified User

I can gladly say, this stuff works! Took my first serving last week and ever since I was locked in all day. No distractions or brain fog. I've finally found what I've been looking for. My work environment has many young employees, so the office volume
Roman Ross

 Verified User

Being a lead software engineer at a big corporation can be pretty taxing mentally. It never gets easier either because I'm constantly learning as I go, all while helping others get up to speed and become productive on the same topics and tasks. Ever since I started taking Neurotol, I've been firing on all cylinders and I'm loving it. My stress levels have been extremely high since I started this position and for the first time ever, I'm able to calm down and focus. I can better explain things with exact precision to people, I can accomplish more, and my mood
has improved greatly. It has changed my life!
James Wright

 Verified User

As A 55 Year Old Man, These Results Meant The World For Me To See

Memory Loss Is Downright Terrifying...

Like I said above, I am personally 55 years old.

Yes, I am healthy and active but I fully understand the risks of losing my memory, my identity.

Running hospitals I have seen it with my own eyes.
Patients, perfectly healthy 12 months ago that NO LONGER remember their family.

I have had friends that have suffered.

Plus, those in my family (close to my age) has been affected and the effects of memory loss are TERRIFYING. 

... And that is why I personally swear by Neurotol™.

I can not and will not miss a day. 
Frankly, reading the above stories really hit me.

As an aging man I also know this is a tough subject to discuss.

No one wants to admit their brain is failing.

Many of us suffer is silence as memories slip away day by day until it is too late. 

... But seeing users come back from the pits of "cognitive decline" to their mental prime is motivating.

Lives are changing thanks to Neurotol™

Men and women are regaining control of their cognitive health by proactively nourishing their brain. 

... And their memory has NEVER been stronger. 

Frankly, that is the entire point of Neurotol™ - Giving you and I control over our brain health.

Point Blank, Memory Loss Is NOT Inevitable. We Don't Have To Sit And Let It Take Us.

With Neurotol™ we can use cutting edge science to fight. 

With these results we knew we had to take Neurotol™ public. 

Without a second more delay...

Introducing Neurotol™, The Most Potent Brain Health Supplement In The World

Optimized After Years Of Research

After five years of private testing Neurotol™ is being brought into the market as Neurotol™. 

... And it is being produced exclusively my team at Game Day Ready (GDR Labs™.)

Our GDR Labs™ Reputation Is Second To None

Over The Years We Have Formulated And Produce Supplements For Thousands Of Elite Professional Athletes And Entire Sports Organizations.

Why? We are highly trusted for our un-compromised focus on third party testing and quality manufacturing. 

Athletes and teams with billions of dollars on the line trust us at GDR Labs™. 

Today we are one of the fastest growing health technology brands in the world.

Plus, we do not offer a huge line of products, only ones backed by powerful clinical science.

When it comes to brain support, Neurotol™ is a powerful invention 
So, our decision to manufacture and distribute Neurotol™ was a no brainer. 

... And it ONLY comes from our private laboratory, you can not find Neurotol™ anywhere else in the world.

You will never find Neurotol™ on any third party website or a marketplace like Amazon.

...And it won't be found in stores until next year. 

GDR Labs™ Is The Sole Source For Neurotol™ Around The Globe

Right now you are accessing brain and memory support unlike anything that has ever been offered publicly.

... And every bottle is made with quality that is truly second to none.

Neurotol™ Is An American Innovation, Made Exclusively In Our Atlanta, GA Lab

We are 100% American made!

I know THIS for a fact. 

You have never seen such supplement freshness.

The way Neurotol™ is made is not done anywhere else on earth.

Allow me to Introduce PureDemand manufacturing, a process that is exclusive to GDR Labs™
Before I begin, this section is very important to me.

Myself and my team at GDR Labs™ is deeply committed to America and the value of 100% American manufacturing.

Over my career in healthcare I have all seen far too many companies "cost cuts" by contracting overseas manufacturers while side stepping regulation and American jobs.

... And the quality suffers.

Atlanta Georgia Facility Tour

GDR Labs™ does things differently. 

In fact, we deploy a unique "small batch" manufacturing process named PureDemand™  which is exclusive to GDR Labs™.

GDR Labs™ Only Believes In Manufacturing Formulas In The Most Natural And Purest State Possible, At The Time Of Order 

  • Every Bottle Is 100% American Made
  • ​Your Order Is Made For You, When You Order (Like Fresh Food)
  • ​No Preservatives Used
  • ​​No Outsourced Labor
We don’t have a huge inventory of back-stock waiting for orders to come in.

We only manufacture in real-time for current orders, ensuring the same quality and freshness every time you order.

This Process is Called "On Demand Manufacturing"

Your Neurotol™ Will Be Personally Made For You When Your Order Is Placed, Guaranteeing The Ultimate Freshness

It is 100% made by our highly trained staff in Atlanta, GA, we do not outsource. 

After being produced it is then shipped directly to your door from our facility. 

No other company in the world can FULLY guarantee this type of freshness and quality.

However, there is also another very IMPORTANT innovation you will enjoy...

Neurotol™ Is So Simple and Pleasant to Use, It Can Be Used In Just Seconds A Day...

  •  Only Takes Seconds to Use Daily
  •  ​Begins Absorbing In Minutes
  • ​ Enhanced Bioavailability
  •  Great Strawberry Flavor

Enhanced Brain Function In Minutes

Neurotol™ Is Easy To Use. The Great Tasting Oral Formula Can Be Ingested In Just Seconds Every Morning. Within 15 Minutes, Your Brain Fires Back To Life

Neurotol™ is VERY easy to use daily.

In fact, it will take you less than a minute every morning.

Neurotol™ is a liquid formula that has been designed to take only once daily.
Once taken it will absorb quickly so it can get to work boosting your brain health and supercharging your memory. 

Many users feel a difference in seconds.

The process is simple, all you do is take the graduated measurement dropper and fill it to the appropriate dosage listed on the label. 

Neurotol™ is taken orally. 

You place it directly under your tongue and then simply swallow after letting it sit for a few seconds.

After You Take This Formula You Will Notice That Your Brain Will Start Firing As It Becomes Healthy And Optimized For The Day. 

Within 7 Days Your Memories Will Begin To Rush Back

As time goes by your brain health will continue to improve. 

After one dose you will understand why tens of thousands start their day with Neurotol™. 

In fact, take a moment and imagine this...

 Warning: Do Not Use Neurotol™ After 3pm

Now, l need to be clear, Neurotol™ is a very powerful brain activator and it is not meant to be taken in the afternoon.

You should never take it past 3pm daily.

First and foremost it contains safe (but powerful) caffeine from green tea extract.

Plus, the compounds inside Neurotol™ work to "activate" your brain cells, bringing on a new level of thought and processing.

Now, you will find this invaluable throughout your day, but cumbersome at night.

During your waking hours you will want your mind be to alert and processing, like it was years ago.

But, at night, you want your thoughts to wind down so you can drift off to healthy sleep.

Do not underestimate the power of Neurotol™, it can and will make a profound difference on your cognitive ability.

But this increased processing can also cost you sleep.

Again, do not use it after 3pm.

How Would Your Life Change If You Woke Up Daily With A Highly Optimized Brain?

... Even If You Are 50, 60 or 70 Years Old

Think about it..

Just imagine this for a moment:

Imagine Waking Up, Clear Headed, Energetic And Ready To Own The Day, Every Single Day

Your thoughts rush to you INSTANTLY, you immediately recall your purpose for the day.

Your morning routine flies by as you knock out your rituals without any "sluggishness".
You are focused and driven like you haven't been in years.

If you work, you have the confidence that you will dominate the day and run circles around those you work with...

If you are retired, you KNOW you will be the sharpest one in your friend group.

Whether it is golf, tennis or a game of cards, your memory and recall are becoming stellar. 
Better by the day. 

Memories come rushing to you quickly.

Names & Memories Come Rushing Back On Demand...

All Of The Sudden Your Brain Is Functioning Like You're In Your Prime, Like You Are Years Younger...

In fact, TODAY is your new prime.

Now, I'm sure all of this sounds TOO GOOD to be true, right?

NO WAY this is possible, right?

Well, by now you have seen the decades of research and years of private testing. 

This new reality is VERY possible. 

Above, I showed you the incredible science of Bacopa and how it is showing immense brain benefit in labs all over the world.

... And then I showed you how scientist Clint Winters developed proprietary Neurotol™.

I feel confident in saying that Neurotol™ is the most potent Bacopa formula in the world.

Rich In "Memory Activating" Antioxidants...

Neurotol™ Penetrates Your Aging Brain Cells And Increases Overall Mental Sharpness In The Matter Of Days...

Plus it has been proven to fight Alzheimers. 

Powerful, right?

Well that is why a global release is being prepared. 

Neurotol™ Is Set For A Global Retail Release in The Coming MOnths

It Will Be Sold In Retail Locations All Over The World

The global release is coming.

Neurotol™ is only months away from being sold all over the world

With all of the clinical research building there is HUGE consumer anticipation.

Let's Face It, The Power Of Optimized Brain Health Is Very Well Known For Being Life Changing

It is finally time to make Neurotol™ public. 

Soon, it will soon be available all over the world. 
As you can see, we really took time for development.

We gathered incredible scientific data spanning decades and formulated.

We private use tested for nearly five years gathering thousands of use cases without a single side effect.

... And now we are exclusively manufacturing every bottle right in the United States.  

It Is Official: The Most Powerful And Tested Brain Health Solution In The World Is Ready To Go To Market

(Available Without A Prescription)

Neurotol™ is ready to go to market in a big way. 

Right now global distribution is being organized with a target date of second or third quarter 2023.

Once launched, it will be sold on store shelves all over the world for only $120 a bottle.

This is a very fair price considering the EXTENSIVE science behind Neurotol™ and the exclusive nature of the product.

Heck, this is a similar price point to other "Natural" brain boosters which do not have near the clinical support of Neurotol™. 

... Or years of private clinical testing

Just look at some of these prices I found after a quick search. 

Neurotol™ Costs Nearly Half The Standard MSRP And Has 1,000% The Clinical Backing 

Crazy, right?

... And now let's talk about the cost of "in clinic" brain support.

Thousands Less Than Brain Stimulating 
"In Clinic" Protocols...

I have already spoken of IV based Bacopa above.

... It is how doctors administered during clincial trials.
As you know "in-clinic" therapies have skyrocketed across the United States.

From daily nutrient drips to hormone and stem cell treatments - IV therapy private clinics are popping up all over.

... And brain health is no exception.

Right now you can receive "brain-stimulating" compound treatments that consist of the same nutrients found in Neurotol™.

... And the cost is simply ASTRONOMICAL.

In fact, here is the current pricing structure

In Clinic Cost Breakdown...

  • Initial Consultation: $500
  • ​Monthly Nurse Administered Therapy: $500 - $1,000
  • ​Monthly Doctor Monitoring & Nurse: $350 - $500
... And you have to go visit a clinic at least once a month. 

On Average, In Clinic "Brain Therapy" Costs Nearly $1,500 Per Month

That is over $18,000 per year

This is a FULL mortgage payment for most which is why it is ONLY offered at high-end anti-aging clinics.

... And Neurotol™ provides the EXACT same benefit, from home

In This Regard, $120 Per Bottle For Neurotol™ Is An INCREDIBLE Value.

But, You Won't Pay That On This Page...

Many would argue it is way too inexpensive for the value and benefit.

Powerful brain health benefits while never leaving the house.

Think about it - How much would you pay to CEMENT your memories?

However, even with that known...

At $120 I Know Many Cannot Afford Powerful Neurotol™ On An On Going Basis

So I Am Offering A Huge Discount On This Page

Now, to be clear, I am the inventor and patent holder of Neurotol™, my core goal is seeing widespread use of this amazing formula.

I Personally Want To See Millions Get Substantial Brain Benefit Over The Next Year.

But I know that many Americans (who want to feel younger) cannot afford $120 or more per bottle.

However, retail distribution is expensive and GDR Labs™ is a well respected global brand. 

As you probably see online we have huge partnerships with some of the biggest athletes and athletic organizations in the world.

... They will only give their athletes the best, and GDR Labs™ is the best.

Our production methods are elite and quality focused FIRST.  

All of this costs millions in marketing and technology fees, driving up the final retail price. 

Not to mention the large profit percentage desired by the end retailer.

So, when you factor in all of that into the equation, $120 is VERY fair. 

However, I still want to make it even more affordable. 

If you are reading this, you are bypassing the $120 price point. 

 You Are Accessing Neurotol™ Without Extra Fees

YES, you are about to gain access to Neurotol™ before the rest of the world at an unheard of discount!

... Cool, right?

Well, you are in the right place at the right time.

Let me get to it...

On This Page Only...

I Am Personally Activating A $91 Instant Credit Towards Neurotol™

Try For Less Than $1 Per Day

How would you like to gain access to Neurotol™ and save a tremendous amount of money? 

What if I gave you the same huge discount given to global distributors that are buying thousands of bottles at a time?

Remember, Neurotol™ Is Not Available Anywhere In The World. GDR Labs is the Sole Distributor

... So you will also be one of the first to try this amazing formula outside of private testing. 

Right now, this powerful ingredient is a ghost.

You can’t find it because it does not exist on the market in any retail capacity. 

… And that is why you are getting such a rare opportunity.

Right now you can try Neurotol™ before it takes the world by storm.

Heck, you will be one of the first to try this natural brain support formula outside of private tests

Exciting, right?

For 24 Hours I Am Activating Your Huge Discount So You Can Try Neurotol™ For Just $120 $29

Allow me tackle the first question. 

Why only until midnight? Because of the Incredible Demand.

There Are Over 300,000 Reading This Page Right Now And The Need For Safe Brain Benefits Has Huge Market Demand...

Millions Need This Type Of Brain & Memory Support

The word of natural brain support is spreading like wild fire inside of the GDR Labs™ customer circles.

They have heard the rumors 

... And the highly discounted promotional bottles are limited.

Sadly, this page will only stay online until midnight.

So, Let’s Jump Right In.

  • Cost Of "In Clinic" Brain Drugs: $1,200+
  • ​Global MSRP of Neurotol™ : $120
  • ​Suggested Internet Pricing: $97

Today You Can Try For Only: $29

This is a full 30 day bottle for only $29.

You save $91 off MSRP while stock remains (on this page only).

This is HUGE savings, this is the same price that global distributors pay if they commit to buying thousands of bottles per month.

In some cases, over 1 million bottles per year.

... And you are getting the SAME price for one bottle.  

On top of all of that I have negotiated FREE shipping anywhere in the world.

No strings attached, this is a one time purchase (no subscriptions)

Plus, the redemption process is very simple.

Takes less than five minutes...

Once Finished, You Will Have Locked In One Of The First Bottles Of Neurotol™ Offered Anywhere In The World For Over 75% Savings

You are really and truly part of natural health history.

Plus, I can say this with ease...

For $29 you will not find a more potent brain health product in the world.

All natural Neurotol™ is hands down the most exciting brain product released in recent history

On This Page You Can Try Brain Health Boosting Neurotol™ For Less Than $1 A Day

Way Less Than Your Daily Coffee...

Let that sink in.

$.96 per day is less than a cup of coffee. WAY LESS
In fact, it is less than many things you spend money on daily.

… And none of those have the huge potential of boosting brain health like Neurotol™. 

For less than $1 per day you could have the best brain health you have had in years.

You finally have a way to rejuvenate your brain, getting back into your prime form. 
Let’s be real - this would enable you to get back to enjoying life without worrying about your decreasing brain health.

Your best years are STILL be ahead.

... And there are ways to INCREASE your savings.

You Can Save As Much As $546 On Neurotol™
(Stock Up For Daily Use)

… And I will still have it shipped FREE directly from our private lab.  

Here is how…

Some of you reading this have followed GDR Labs™ for years.

.... You know we ONLY put out the best products in the world.

Or maybe you were part of the initial Neurotol™ private testing. 

With that known you can save EVEN more by purchasing additional bottles (at no risk). 

In fact, I will allow you to purchase up to 6 bottles at this promotional pricing. 

Why? To ensure you have plenty supply of this daily use super supplement. 

As you know, you will pay $29 for one bottle (You Save $91)

However, if you purchase 3 bottles you will save $273

… And if you purchase 6 bottles you will save an astounding $546

Save $91

Buy 1 Bottle
Retail Price: $120
$29 ea
You Save: $91

Best value!
SAVE $546
FREE Shipping

Buy 6 Bottles
Retail Price: $720
You Save: $546

Save $273

Buy 3 Bottles
Retail Price: $360
You Save: $273
Why would you buy that many? Neurotol™ is a daily use product, you do not want to run out. 

Again, these are the same bottles you would buy from a high end retailer at $120 each.

... Imagine the future cost savings.

Shipped directly from GDR Labs™ to your door for no charge. 

No strings attached, this is a one-time purchase (no subscriptions)

Plus, the redemption process is very simple, it takes less than 5 minutes. 

No hoops to jump through. 

At The Bottom Of This Page, You Will Find A Secure Order Form That Takes Only Minutes To Complete

Once finished, you will have locked in one of the first bottles of Neurotol™ offered anywhere in the world.

I can say this with ease.

For $29 you will not find a more potent brain health solution, it does not exist. 

Frankly, nothing else begins to compare. 

…. And I still have a huge surprise. 

Upon Purchase Of Neurotol™, I Will Activate a $50 Gift Card Towards Any Product, Store Wide

YES! Even our global best sellers

This is huge!

As you now know, GDR Labs™ produces some of the most powerful and effective supplements in the world.

Many private formulas developed solely for aging professional athletes who are looking to regain an edge.

Powerful Innovations Such As...

  • Conolidine Pain Relief
  • Nutra IGF™ Natural HGH
  • PhytoTest™ Natural Testosterone
  • ​Sirtuin™ "Youth Gene Activator"
  • Liponine™ Blood Sugar Management
  • Carditrol™ Blood Pressure Support
  • Wearable FAR Infrared for Pain Relief
  • Clinically Proven Sexual Support
  • ​Patented Skin Creams for Fighting Age
  • ​​Plus Much More In Development
Each bottle is manufactured using the highest quality protocols in the world.

… Just imagine what any one of these products could do for your daily life.

As soon as you complete your Neurotol™ purchase we will activate a $50 gift card in your name.

Plus, this entire transaction is risk Free

100% Money Back Guarantee

If Neurotol™ Doesn’t Bring Powerful Memory Support GDR Labs™ Will Refund Every Penny

Try Neurotol™ For A Full 90 Days risk free

Yes, this is 100% serious.

This is how much I believe in Neurotol™. 

When I first announced this policy my team thought I totally lost my mind. 

My financial controllers kind of froze up on me. 

... And You Keep The $50 Gift Card

Heck, I thought I was going to be exiled from announcing this to the public.  

However, I am doing it anyways.

I want to remove ALL risk from your shoulders so you have no reason not to try. 

Why? Because I know the power of Neurotol™. 

I use it personally and I have seen it time and time again changes lives.  

After 90 Days: If Neurotol™ Does Not Bring You Vastly Improved Brain Function, GDR Labs™ Will Buy Your Bottle Back, No Questions Asked

... And The $50 Gift Card Is Yours To Keep

To Confirm, today I am backing your order of Neurotol™ with a 100% money-back guarantee.

Here is how it works...

After purchase, you will get a full 90 days to use Neurotol™ and feel the life-changing effects.

You must use it as directed, every day for the full window of time.  

When you do, you will feel your brain fire back to life, I can say that with TOTAL confidence. 

However, if you don't feel the same, no worries.

You Are Not Risking A Single Dime. 

GDR Labs™ will buy your inventory back (full refund), you are out nothing.

... And here is the crazy part. 

You can keep and use your $50 gift card towards ANY other award winning formula from their private lab.

Some of which are only being used by elite professional athletes. 

You can choose what you want. 

I am willing to risk this because I know that you are going to love Neurotol™. 

You won't want to return it, heck, you will wish you ordered more.

However, it was important for me to totally remove your risk so you could try Neurotol™ with confidence. 
I believe in Neurotol™ with everything I have, I have personally seen what it has done for thousands. 

... And what it has done with me. 

I don't want anything to come between you and increasing brain function. 

With that in mind, I want to answer the next logical question.

Why Am I Doing This?

Well, This Is What I Consider An "Ethical Bribe" With Huge Brain Health Benefits

Your goal, you want prime of life brain health, while paying a fair price. 

My goal, I want to see Neurotol™ used by millions, changing lives, which will lead to the financial success of GDR Labs™.
... Which means we can continue innovating on the global scale, creating more products like Neurotol™

In this scenario, a huge discount benefits both of us. 

So - By giving you this opportunity I am ethically bribing you to try Neurotol™ with a huge discount.

Frankly, it is a hedged bet.

Why? I know you are going to fall in love with it.

Your new found brain health will be infectious. 
... As you FEEL your braining firing back to life it will tough to not tell your friends and family - especially if they are also suffering from declining memory.

Heck, THEY will notice the difference without you saying a word.

I Am Personally And Financially Motivated By You Obtaining Supercharged Brain Health By Using Neurotol™, The Results Will Be Hard To Contain...

I know this...

The more and more you use Neurotol™, the harder it will be to keep the secret.

Eventually, you will spill the beans on how your brain is performing better than ever. 

You will seem FAR clearer and sharper than you have been in years. 

... And the word will spread further and further.

My personal and financial satisfaction will come from seeing millions use Neurotol™, and this discount is part of that process.

You are simply in the right place at the right time. 

Now, let me be crystal clear... 

You have NO OBLIGATION to me when taking this huge discount. 

I know Neurotol™ will change your brain health.

... And you don't have to tell a soul.

But, I also know that when benefits are this big (potentially life altering), you will discuss.

It is human nature... The word will spread.

This will cause those around you to seek out Neurotol™ .

... And they will find it for $120 and be willing to pay full price because they know it works. 

This is truly a WIN, WIN for both of us.

Like I said, right place at the right time. 

By Giving You "Just Above Cost" Pricing You Will Help Me Show Off The Power Of Neurotol™

Priced at just $29, Neurotol™ is accessible to every person reading this page. 

I want everyone to regain their prime and spread the word. 

Let me reiterate, this is a no strings attached offer.

You are not obligated to say a word. 

You can take your discount and run. 

... And There is no "hidden subscription" or weird "gotcha" at the end. 

You get access to a highly discounted bottle of Neurotol™ (Full 30 Day Bottle)

No other requirements past that. 

Plus (as I said above) even after this huge discount, every dollar is guaranteed.

Now, let me clear up some final questions.

You Only Have One Glaring Risk...

By Leaving This Page You Risk Missing Out On The Best Brain Health Of Your Life...

  • Neurotol™ as an ingredient has been studied for decades by top Ivy League scientists.
  • Brain health benefits have been compared to synthetic drugs (with no side effects)
  • It is the only compound in the world proven to boost your brain function & memory
  • ​Top Scientists have shown this technology "rejuvenates" your declining brain health
  • You have watched and read incredible use stories from others just like you.
  • You are accessing a HUGE discount and a 100% Money Back Guarantee.

Plus, You Keep $50 If It Doesn't Work For You

 This is more than a risk free offer.
If you aren’t happy you will receive every single penny back.

... And you keep your $50 Gift Card. 
You make out like a bandit. 
However, I know the truth of this situation.
Neurotol™ IS going to work extremely well just like it has for me and thousands of others - I personally won't miss a day. 
… And when it DOES work for you, you will feel better than you have in years. 
You won’t want to return, you will want to learn how to buy as much as you can (I have seen this over and over).
Yes, you are THAT close to the best brain health you have had in years.

That Is Why Not Giving Neurotol™ A Chance Is Your Biggest Risk Of All. 

You risk missing out on feeling better and younger than you have in years. 
You risk NOT improving the quality of your brain health. 
You risk moments with your family you can ONLY have if you keep your brain strong and healthy.
Don't make this mistake, you may regret it forever. 
You are closer than ever to FINALLY rejuvenating your aging brain.
No more reading.
No more waiting.
You are one click away...

But, one last thing to keep in mind. 

Hurry, We Cannot Offer This Pricing Forever 

Let’s Take a Second and Recap…

On this private page you are getting an opportunity to try, Neurotol™ the most powerful brain function aid in the world for a huge discount. 

As a current customer you qualify for…
  • Factory Direct Pricing ($120 $29)
  • Instant $50 Gift Card (Activated at Purchase)
  • Free Global Shipping
  • ​100% Money Back Guarantee (No Risk)
You are getting $170 in value for only $29.

Pretty exciting, right?

However, there is only one issue.

We have 319,000 other current customers and they have been invited to this page as well.

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Remember, you have nothing to lose other than the ability to increase your memory and brain function.

Most Common Neurotol™ Questions

  How Does Neurotol™ Help My Brain?

This formula is a combination of extracted and concentrated bacopa and concentrated green tea extract.

It works in a two pronged approach. Bacopa has been shown to fight the build up of amyloid plaque (major cause of Alzheimers) while rebuilding your aging brain cells known as dendrites.

We added naturally occuring green tea extract for the antioxidant boost and natural caffeine for focus.

Overall, your brain health, memory and cognition will begin to approve in days.

In fact, many feel a focus benefit from the very first dose.

The formula is finished off with powerful oils designed to increase human absorption so your body can put it to good use.

The net result is a strong brain, renewed memory and enhanced day to day cognition and focus. 

 Is Neurotol™ Really Better Than Bacopa Pills?

I can answer with clinical data.

Firstly, the research is conclusive. A liquid formula like Neurotol™ will absorb much more fully than any pill or powder on the market.

The concentrated compounds inside of Bacopa have been heavily studied for it's ability to provide antioxidant support to aging brain cells and actually help brain cell (dedtrite) regrowth.

GDR Labs™ has also privately tested Neurtol on over 5,000 Americans with exceptional results (Over 90% reported cognitive benefit). 

 How Does Neurotol™ Taste?

Full Disclosure: Neurotol™ was developed PURELY to enhance brain health and fight memory loss.

It will have a bit of a "spicy" taste as one of the absorption accelerators is black pepper extract.

GDR Labs™ has added natural flavoring to aid in the taste but you won't find it "candy" delicious.

With that said the taste has received positive feedback the entire point is powerful brain and memory support.

 When Should I Take Neurotol™?

Neurotol™ is daily use and should be taken in the morning as it contains green tea extract.

It is a great way to "wake up" your brain and enhance daily focus.

Remember, it will take a few days to build into your system. 

 Will Neurotol™ Help With Daily Focus?

Another great question!


Bacopa has already been studied as a Nootropic for it's ability to ehance cogntive function.

This effect is ehanced by natural Green Tea Extract which contains the healthiest source of caffeine and antioxidants in the world.

While using Neurotol™ you can fully expect increased focus and brain function. 

 How does Neurotol™ compare to popular brain drugs?

To date, Neurotol™ has not been compared directly to other brain drugs in a head to head clinical trial.

However, the benefits (from testing) are known to be similar to "pharmaceutical" brain boosters, without side effects.

Remember, synthetic memory drugs have been very little efficacy and they are very expensive (and dangerous)

Neurotol™ works to fight the root cause of memory loss which is blain plaque build up and dying brain cells.

Most users prefer Neurotol™ due to the limited cost, effectiveness and total lack of side effects.

 Will Neurotol™ Actually Work For Me?

Results will vary from person to person, as with all drugs and supplements.

However, the scientific findings and private testing have shown over a 90% success rate.

Point blank, it has changed lives for thousands. 

 Is It FDA Approved?

Only pharmaceuticals can achieve full FDA approval.

However, Neurotol™ is produced by GDR Labs where it is American made in an FDA audited facility per GMP standards.

 What if Neurotol™ Doesn't Work?

You lose nothing!

You can try Neurotol™ with no risk for 90 days which is plenty of time for you to fall in love with it.

If it doesn't bring the desired brain benefit you can return for a full refund.

With that said our return rate is less than 1%

 Where Is Neurotol™ Made?

Neurotol™ is exclusively manufactured and distributed by GDR Labs™.

It is 100% American made and fully produced in their FDA audited Atlanta, Georgia facility.

 Will I "Feel" it Working?

Yes, you will feel brain stimulation.

However, the "Feel" of Neurotol™ is highly personal.

Some users only feel a slight "stimulation" while others feel like they are on a "limitless" protocol.

You will feel a big boost in energy and mental clarity as your brain "locks in".

You will have to try it to see how it affects you. 

 Will Neurotol™ Work with Other Meds? Drug Interactions?

I cannot give medical advice and all users have different drug combinations at play.

However, none of the ingredients in Neurotol™ have been shown to have negative drug interactions.

 Seriously, What Are The Side Effects of Neurotol™?

All ingredients in Neurtol have been verified as side effect free.

Additionally, GDR Labs™ has not reported any side effects over nearly five years of testing.

The only concern may be the natural caffeine if you are caffeine sensitive.

 Is Neurotol™ Crazy Expensive?

Neurotol™ is priced well below other protocols of same potency.

... And you have the chance to try it at a huge discount.

Part of my development goal was to ensure it was affordable for the average American consumer.

 Hit Me Straight, What Are The Negatives of using Neurotol™?

Neurotol™ is priced well below other protocols of same potency.

Firstly, as mentioned above, Neurotol™ was not formulated for taste, you may not find it "tasty" to use daily.

Secondly, it is made to build in your system so it may take a few days to a few weeks for you to see maximized benefit (which is why you have 90 days to try it).

Finally, the natural caffeine will cause stimulation, you should not use past 3pm daily. 

This Order is Covered By Our 90 Day "Risk Free" Money Back Guarantee

Since 2011 we have offered the strongest 100% Money Back Guarantee in the health industry. It is simple, if you do not like the product for any reason you can return it within 90 days for a 100% Full Refund. We give you a Full 90 days so you can get a chance to experience FULL USE of the product before you have to make a decision. 
Complete your order and rest easy knowing your purchase is secure!
All statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). These products are not intended to prevent, cure, treat or diagnose any disease.

Individual results may vary depending on your diet, health and physical condition. Results shown are not typical and you may not get the same benefits. However, by taking the supplement and living a healthy lifestyle with proper diet and moderate exercise, you give yourself the best chance at staying healthy and fighting off premature aging and other illnesses.

Research indicates that this product/ingredient may provide a health benefit. When the body is provided with healthy vitamins, minerals and enzymes, it is better equipped to keep you healthy. Individual results will vary and you should always consult with your doctor or health professional when taking any supplement or starting any health program.

Endorser Disclaimer: Clint Winters is a scientist and nutraceutical inventor, not a medical doctor. Nothing he says should be construed as medical advice. Any personal health questions should be directed to your personal physician. Mr. Winters is not compensated on the sale of products but compensated for use of his various nutraceutical ingredient manufacturing patents.

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GameDay Ready Labs, LLC. 1360 Union Hill Road, Building 11 (A & B) Alpharetta, GA 30004