Tried Supplements and Herbs to Improve Your Performance in Bed,
But None of Them Worked?

Revealed: The Ultimate Male Hormone 10X Stronger Than Regular Testosterone…

It’ll Skyrocket Your Sex-Drive, Performance and Confidence, Whatever Your Age…


Big Pharma doesn’t want you to know about it…

And they even sell you drugs which destroy this hormone…

Even though it’s 10X as POWERFUL as Testosterone…

Makes you feel strong and resilient…

Relaxed and confident…

Full of energy, able to handle all of life’s challenges…

At ANY age. Even in your 50’s, 60’s, 70’s and beyond.

Big Pharma also doesn’t want you to know
that INCREASING your levels of this
hormone is…

  • Simple…

  • SAFE…

  • Costs just pennies a day…

  • And can give you a Higher Sex-Drive and Rock Hard Erections…

At ANY age.

Why doesn’t Big Pharma want you to know this?

Because every year they make BILLIONS selling dangerous DRUGS that LOWER this hormone…

Leaving millions of men limp and lifeless.

Read on and I’ll explain everything you need to know…

Just be prepared to get a little ANGRY. A huge LIE is about to be uncovered…

One of The Most Impressive Men I Know,
Now Struggling to Feel Like a Man…

I’ve known my friend Mark for over 20 years. Used to train together when I was a powerlifter.

Mark was always a strong, high energy guy - even deep into his 50s. He was incredibly productive: running several successful businesses, very involved in his local community.

But about a year ago, Mark confessed something I didn't expect…

He told me that despite feeling healthy in many ways, he didn't actually feel great as a man.

Mark explained:

"On the outside, people see me as confident and positive. But
on the inside, I constantly doubt myself and feel anxious, even when things are going well. I used to take things in my stride, but now even small issues bother me more than they should."

"It’s tough to admit, but my sex drive isn't great anymore either. I can't keep up with my wife. I'm also feeling generally tired and fatigued a lot of the time. Even if I’ve slept well."

Genuinely surprised, I asked why he thought this was happening, despite being fit and healthy overall.

Mark said:

"I don't know. I got a blood test and my Free Testosterone Levels are very high - so it's not low T. And I don’t have high estrogen. My doctor says I'm in great shape for my age."

"I should have high confidence, strength, great mood and all that - but I don't. I need to figure this out. Do you have any idea what's causing this?"

I had to admit I didn't. Mark was doing everything I advise my clients to do to stay in top condition. But for some reason, it wasn't working for him.

My business partner Elwin Robinson is an expert on men's health. I told him about my friend Mark's issues, hoping he'd have insights.

Elwin asked the same questions I did, but was also stumped…

"Mark seems like he should feel great based on everything you said."

Fortunately, Elwin loves analyzing data. So when I mentioned Mark had extensive medical testing done, Elwin said:

"Have him send me the results. I'll take a look and see if I can spot anything unusual."

I didn't hear back for months. Then one day Elwin called excitedly:

"Adam, I Figured it Out!
The Missing Link!"

"What missing link?"

I asked, confused.

"For Mark! It explains why he feels so low despite perfect test results and high testosterone levels."

Elwin explained:

"Mark has extremely low levels of One Key Hormone that hardly anyone understands. It's crucial for feeling strong and confident, and having a high sex drive and powerful performance."

"Turns out Big Pharma propaganda has convinced men to destroy their levels of this hormone over the past 20-30 years. It's related to testosterone but not the same."

What Elwin shared next blew my mind…

Because it has the potential to revolutionize the health and vitality of millions of men…

Including YOU!

If you’ve tried superfoods, herbs, supplements, “lifestyle changes” and more, in the hope of improving your mood, boosting your sex-drive and improving your sexual performance…

…yet nothing has worked…

Then THIS “Missing Link” could be the Game Changer you've been looking for… allowing you to reclaim your power, potency and drive.

Keep reading - your best years might still be ahead!

Why Many Guys in Their 20’s
Can’t Get Hard…

Yet Some 80 Year Olds Can SATISFY
Women a Quarter of Their Age…

A recent study showed that over 30% of men under age 30 are either not having sex…

Or have never had sex.

Many of these guys CANNOT have sex, even if the opportunity presents itself. They’re impotent!

ED is no longer just an “old man’s problem.”

It’s affecting men of all ages.

That said, some old guys can still f*** like Champs. No problem “getting it up”... no problem “lasting 30 minutes or more”...

No problem BANGING women half their age, or younger…

And banging them well enough to keep them coming back for more.

Question is:

“How come some old guys have no problem getting stiff as a board and riding pussy all night long. But fit young 20-somethings all over America couldn’t get hard even if their lives depended on it?”

Hi, I’m Adam Armstrong,

And if you’re struggling with low sex-drive or ED…

A lack of energy or strength…

Or just generally feeling anxious or depressed…

I get it.

I understand.

It’s a horrible position to be in…

Your mind knows what it wants… to feel youthful and be able to enjoy life to the max.
But your body isn’t responding.

I receive emails from dozens of men every day who are in this kind of position. Men who want to reclaim their youthfulness, feel CONFIDENT and energized, and enjoy a great sex-life, even once they’re past 40.

And I’ve helped thousands of these men to improve their situation… showing them how to boost their sex-drive and performance… improving the quality of their intimate relationships.

And yet…

Despite my best advice…

Some men still struggle. Even when, like my friend Mark, they’re doing “all the right things” and have perfectly healthy blood test results.

Is THIS The Most Shocking Discovery in “Male Health” in The Past 20 years?

For decades we've been told that higher testosterone makes you more manly…

Improving confidence, sex-drive, performance and more.

I've shared this message myself.

But today, thanks to my colleague's research…

I must tell you that this idea, while not wrong, is incomplete.

The truth is…

Yes, testosterone matters. Yet there's another Key Hormone made from testosterone that's just as important, if not more so:


It’s possible you may have heard dihydrotestosterone is "bad" and levels should be lowered. But I urge you - do not fall for this misinformation.

Do not fall for this LIE!

Lowering your dihydrotestosterone levels is one of the worst things you could do. For your sexual performance, vitality and manliness.

Keep reading and I’ll show you why:

  • Dihydrotestosterone is crucial for libido, erection quality, confidence, energy and more…
  • Low levels of this hormone are linked to loss of "manly" traits...
  • Levels naturally decline with age…
  • Big Pharma demonizes dihydrotestosterone because their drugs lower it! Yet the evidence shows dihydrotestosterone is not only SAFE, but also ESSENTIAL…
  • This is because Dihydrotestosterone activates your Androgen
    - the things that make you feel manly - up to 10 times as powerfully as just Testosterone (for this reason, we’ll refer to it as “Super T” from this point onwards)
  • This is why optimizing your Super T (dihydrotestosterone) Levels, along with your testosterone, is the key to maximizing your virility, health, and physical strength as you age...

The benefits of having optimal Super T Levels are staggering. Raising your Super T is not dangerous, it's absolutely vital for you to thrive as a man.

Stick with me…

What you're about to discover goes against the propaganda. But it could change everything if you want to reclaim your power, drive, strength, and prime.

Get Your Levels Up and Feel Literally

The more we dug into the Real Science (not the “bought and paid for stuff” Big Pharma likes to quote)...

The more it became clear that…

Optimizing your Levels of Super T is the key to feeling INCREDIBLE. At any age.

Super T is Essential for
Libido and Sexual Function…

A 1995 study on 92 men in a Military Campus in Athens, Greece, showed that higher Super T:

  • Increases how often you orgasm…
  • Makes your erections harder and more reliable…
  • Boosts your sex drive…
  • Improves morning wood…

If you LOWER your Super T Levels, as Big Pharma would like you to do,
you get the opposite results:

  • Fewer

  • Weaker

  • Lower

  • Lack Of
    “Morning Wood”

and so on.

Another study showed:

An increase in concentration of 1.36 nmol/l (in Super T Levels) corresponded to an average increase of one orgasm a week.

And yet another study showed that:

Inhibiting dihydrotestosterone (Super T) synthesis impairs corpus cavernosum growth and trabecular smooth muscle relaxation, endothelial function and increases connective tissue deposition. This all contributes to erectile dysfunction, even in the presence of physiological levels of total testosterone (R).

Which means that lowering your Super T Levels makes it more difficult to get an erection, even if you have high Testosterone Levels!

Another study on Super T said…

The… statistically significant effect was an improvement in early morning erections and ability to maintain erections.

Another study said:

Dihydrotestosterone (Super T) is also critical for activating gene expression of neuronal and endothelial nitric oxide synthases, which are critical physiological mediators of penile erection.

Meaning that low Dihydrotestosterone (Super T) Levels will lower your Nitric Oxide, making it almost impossible to get an erection.

I could go on all day…

Quoting study after study after study…

But I think you get the idea…

High Super T levels are ESSENTIAL if you want strong, healthy, HARD sexual performance.

Super T Also:

  • Makes you more resilient to stress[1] - key for masculinity…
  • Helps burn fat[2] and stops carbs becoming fat. Indulge without gaining…
  • Boosts energy levels[3] - vital for getting the most from life…
  • Reduces man boobs[4] by lowering your estrogen levels…
  • Improves memory and prevents brain decline[5]
  • Keeps eyes moist and prevents dryness…
  • Strengthens bones - crucial as you age to avoid breaks from falls[6]
  • Prevents muscle loss[7] - staying muscular is a key to living longer…

Bottom line?

You've been told a half-truth. Increasing just testosterone is too simple. What you really need is more Super T to optimize your masculine traits and overall health and performance…

Remember, this is simply because:

Super T activates your androgen receptors 10 times as much as normal testosterone.

Androgen literally means ‘creator of masculine characteristics’...

1 molecule of Super T activates your Manliness literally 10 times as much as 1 testosterone molecule.

Are you starting to see why increasing your levels of Super T could be the best thing that’s ever happened to you?

Why Big Pharma Wants You to Destroy
Your Super T Levels…

Now that you know how beneficial Super T is…

For your sex-drive, performance, confidence and more…

You might be wondering why the hell Big Pharma wants you to DESTROY it?

As is often the case, the answer is:


Check this…

A little over 20 years ago, studies were done which seemed to indicate that higher dihydrotestosterone levels could lead to:

  • Baldness

  • and…
  • Prostate Enlargement

Big Pharma ran with the results of these studies (which have since been disproved over and over and over again)...

And developed powerful drugs to LOWER Super T (dihydrotestosterone) levels…

DHT Blockers.

Now, here’s the thing…

Big Pharma has literally gotten millions and millions of men taking these dangerous drugs…

Making BILLIONS of dollars a year.

Do you really think they're going to turn around now and tell you the truth?

The truth being…

The drugs actually destroy your manliness, RUIN your sex-life, and reduce the quality of your life…

Because they lower Super T.

Of course they’re not going to admit that.

The people who run these companies are PROFIT minded. Most do not care about the welfare of the people who buy their drugs.

They are not compassionate people. They are not trying to benefit humanity. They are only trying to sell drugs, make a profit, and keep their share price as HIGH as possible.

The case is clear…

Any drugs that lower your Super T are BAD NEWS…

IF you want to be healthy, strong and virile


You cannot have a High Sex-Drive and Rock Hard Boners if you have Low levels of Super T.

What Really Causes
Prostate Enlargement?
Your Doctor Won’t Tell You THIS…

As I said earlier…

Decades ago studies came out that claimed Super T caused prostate swelling…

Since then Big Pharma has made billions selling "dihydrotestosterone (Super T) blockers" to treat this.

However, for over 20 years, real science has proven this wrong. It is not the cause of prostate swelling!

The true cause is Estrogen. The female hormone.

Here’s a Scientific Study proving that HIGHER Super T Levels REDUCE Prostate Enlargement:

So why does Big Pharma keep pushing drugs that lower your Super T, and raise estrogen?

  • 1
    They've spent huge sums of money developing these drugs… so they keep selling them no matter what. Billions in revenue are at stake.
  • 2
    Weakening men by lowering their Super T Levels and raising Estrogen makes men more obedient and controllable. Certain government interests may like this effect.

I don't know for sure if #2 is true. But #1 definitely is - Big Pharma values profits over people's health or quality of life. Your misery pays for their mega yachts and mansions.

The truth is clear:

Estrogen, not Super T, causes prostate issues. Don't fall for the propaganda. Optimizing your Super T is safe and essential for thriving as you age.

Will Super T Make You Manly but Bald?

You may have heard that Super T causes baldness. For some men, there could be some truth to this.

However, the following things play a much bigger role
in hair loss than Super T:

  • Genetics

  • Stress

  • Lifestyle

  • Nutritional Deficiencies

  • Household Toxins

  • Environmental Pollution & more

Men lose hair for a wide variety of reasons…

Check this study out…

It’s way too simplistic to blame hair loss on Super T…

Even though Big Pharma loves this approach. Because it makes them BILLIONS of DOLLARS a year. Via sales of dangerous dihydrotestosterone (Super T) blocking drugs…

FACT: The drugs claiming to stop baldness are toxic chemicals that lower your Super T Levels.

Think about what that really means...

  • Lower libido and weaker erections…
  • Less energy, confidence and drive…
  • More body fat, less muscle and strength…
  • Worse health overall…

Trading away your masculinity, performance, and wellbeing to possibly keep a bit more hair? That's no bargain at all.

Hair loss sucks for sure, but maintaining your Super T is way more important for a man's Health, Lifestyle and Vitality.

A Shaved Head is Better Than
Being Depressed and Limp and
Lifeless “Down There…

Don't fall for the fear mongering…

Optimizing your Super T is safe and essential. Going bald isn't the end of the world - losing your health, sexual performance and virility is.

Super T gives you EVERYTHING a man could want. And everything a woman could want in a man...

Well, nearly everything. It may cost you some of your hair (though it probably won’t), but so what?

I mean, would you rather have a full head of hair, but lack libido, struggle to ‘get it up,’ have no confidence, low energy, poor health, high anxiety and so on?


Would you rather be bald, grow a rugged, kick-ass beard (or have some sharply styled stubble that makes HOT, attractive women weak at the knees)...

…and also have an erection so hard it brings tears to your woman’s eyes, an insatiable sex-drive, sky high energy, unstoppable confidence, and the feeling that you can achieve anything you set your mind to?

If you pick “hair” over all that, then you might as well give up on ever feeling MANLY again, and stop reading this letter right now!

But many people, including my friend Mark who I mentioned earlier, made that choice without realizing the consequences.

Mark was losing his hair and without telling me, he started to use a dihydrotestosterone (Super T) blocker.

I asked

if he would have taken it if he'd known the cost…

“No way in hell!”

he said.

Many women dig bald men anyway - they look manly and rugged…

On a primal level, women know baldness signals high Super T and virility.

Lots of bald celebrities like The Rock (Hollywood’s highest paid actor) never lacked female attention or respect from other men.

A shaved head is a small price to pay for the endless benefits optimizing your Super T brings. Don't fall into the trap of blocking this vital hormone just to keep more hair.

You'll completely sacrifice your masculinity, potency and zest for life…

It's just not worth it…

A bald head is way better than being a limp, lifeless shell of a man.

Stay the course. Stick with me and keep reading. Don't let the anti-Super T propaganda fool you - optimizing this hormone is still 100% worth it, even if you lose some hair…

You'll gain so much more in return. Including a wife or girlfriend who respects and adores you… and can’t get enough of you IN THE BEDROOM.

The Big Question:

“How Can You Boost Your Super T Levels and Reclaim Your Sex-Drive,
Performance and Manliness?”

Here’s the Science...

Give your body the correct nutrients and 4 Steps take place…



Cholesterol turns into a precursor to Testosterone called Pregnenolone (The Anti-Stress Hormone)…



Pregnenolone turns into a Youth Hormone called DHEA…



DHEA turns into Testosterone (usually thought of as the main Manly Hormone)…



Testosterone turns into the most powerful Male Hormone: Super T
(10X as powerful as regular Testosterone)

Here’s the thing though…

If you fail to supply your body with enough of the right nutrients (and most men fail because the modern diet is so nutrient deficient)...

You end up with 3 problems:

  • 1. Pregnenolone is converted into Cortisol (the stress hormone), instead of DHEA (the Youth Hormone)…
  • 2. What little DHEA you have is converted into Estrogen (the fat gaining female hormone), instead of Testosterone…
  • 3. Finally, not enough Testosterone is converted into Super T…

I know that’s quite a bit of Science, but I wanted to share the full truth with you. No one else will. And Big Pharma will tell you the exact opposite!

In a nutshell…

THAT is how Super T - The Ultimate Male Hormone - is created.

Fortunately, we discovered there are several nutrients you can take to support all 4 steps of the process…

Maximizing your Super T Levels. While also minimizing the unwanted hormones: Cortisol (stress hormone) and Estrogen (fat gaining female hormone).

Are These The Very Best Nutrients
for Boosting Sex-Drive, Performance and Manliness?

I always test things myself, before recommending them to friends, family members or customers…

When I first took these nutrients, to INCREASE my own Super T Levels…

The results after just a few days were amazing…

I have to admit that even with all the lifestyle optimizations I do, “life and age” do eventually catch up with you…

At 21 I remember enjoying sex once or twice a day with my girlfriend. Without fail.

On a Saturday and Sunday it was often 3 or
4 times. If it didn’t happen that often, I felt like I’d missed out!

These days, with a business to run, 2 kids to take care of, a mortgage, bills and so on - if my wife and I “do it” 3 times a week, that’s “a good week” from a sex point of view.


When I took the nutrients I’m about to tell you about…

Things changed.

As my Super T Levels went up, so did my libido and confidence…

I was more sexually dominant too.

My wife liked that.

She was more responsive to me. Like she was when we first met. Before kids, businesses and the stresses of life.

The sex happened more frequently…

Daily in fact.

Sometimes 2 or 3 times a day. If we could get the kids to my parents for the afternoon on a weekend...

And not only did the sex happen more frequently…

I was insanely hard…

My wife went back to how she was in the early days…

Cumming so many times in a “session” we’d lose count…

Her entire experience would almost be one gigantic orgasm that never really fully ended. Afterwards she’d just be lying there. Legs shaking uncontrollably. Unable to talk.

Once I tested these nutrients on myself, and experienced amazing results, I let my friend Mark try them…

Shocking “Before & After” Blood Tests…

Serious Performance Gains…

…and More Female Attention than He Knew What to Do with…

Remember, before this test, Mark had consistently HIGH Testosterone Levels. Proven by many blood tests over the course of several years...

And yet, despite having medically proven “HIGH Free Testosterone” - he was lacking sex-drive, performance, strength, energy, confidence and so on. And he also felt low level anxiety virtually all the time.


30 days later he was like a NEW man. Or at least a much younger one...

He said his sex-drive had basically QUADRUPLED. He literally went from only wanting sex once or twice a week, to wanting it daily. Finally, it was his wife Sarah who couldn’t keep up!

At the gym he managed to Deadlift 440 lbs… more than he’d managed in over a decade…

The low level anxiety that had plagued him for years was GONE! Replaced by a CONFIDENCE that I could tell was “The Real Deal” every time I spoke to him and saw him in person…

It shone through in his voice, posture, movement and how women responded to him.
It now seemed like everywhere he went, attractive women would smile and want to flirt with him...

The other big benefits Mark noticed were:

  • Feeling much more POSITIVE and UPBEAT…
  • Losing 1.5” off his waist. Pretty impressive because he wasn’t exactly overweight to start off with…

The Question is:

What triggered these changes in Mark?

What made him feel so strong and manly?

The answer is shown in the blood test below…

  • 5a-DHT
  • High end of range
  • 24.3
  • ng/mg
  • 5 - 25

Through optimal nutritional supplementation, Mark now not only had HIGH Testosterone, but also HIGH Super T

The specific type of Testosterone that makes you look, feel and perform like a man!

Would These Nutrients Work for
Every Man Over 40?

As soon as Mark confirmed what I discovered…

That these nutrients really do improve your Super T Levels and sexual performance…

I said to Elwin:

“This is incredible! We have to share this with as many men as possible.”

As ever, Elwin was the voice of reason:

“Hang on Adam, I love your enthusiasm, but you and Mark are just 2 guys. Let’s get a bunch more to test, to see if the results are similar for everyone.”

Of course, he was right.

So that’s what we did.

We got 12 Test Subjects to try the exact same nutrients Mark and I had taken… same quality, same dosages… for 30 days straight. Elwin took them too.

These men were mostly based in the US…

Aged between 41 and 76…

There was a mix of white, black, latino and asian test subjects…

None were feeling great.

Most were experiencing symptoms such as declining libido, weak erections, loss of energy, and that general feeling of being “down in the dumps”... like someone “stole your mojo”... that many guys over 40 struggle with (and never find a real answer to)...

What happened?


  • All 12 men said they felt “generally healthier, more energetic and mentally positive” after the 30 days were up.
  • ALL 12 men said they noticed significant improvement in their sex-drive and erection quality.
  • 5 of the 12 said they lost weight from their midsection and chest (without going on any kind of diet).
  • Of the 5 men who regularly engaged in resistance training, they all said they were STRONGER at the end of the 30 day period. One man, in his early 50’s, said he beat a couple of Personal Bests in the Gym that he hadn’t beaten in over 20 years.
  • 10 of the 12 men said they felt A LOT more confident (and the other 2 said they felt “somewhat more confident”).
  • Of the 9 men who were in a relationship, 8 said their women were noticeably more attracted to them and wanted more sex!

I could go on, but you get the idea…

These guys took the nutrients, their Super T went UP, and they felt way more manly…

Let Me Tell You All About These
Powerful Nutrients…


What Exactly is It and Why Do You Need it?

Pregnenolone is known as “The Anti-Stress Hormone.”

It’s a chemical found in your body. A precursor to important steroid hormones including DHEA, Testosterone and Super T.

If you don’t have enough Pregnenolone, then it’s impossible to have enough Super T, and your sexual performance and manliness WILL suffer.

Where’s The Proof That it Works?

A study by Orentreich et al[8]. investigated the effects of oral pregnenolone administration on serum levels of Dihydrotestosterone and other hormones in healthy men…

They found that pregnenolone increased Super T Levels by 31% after 8 weeks of treatment, as well as increasing testosterone…

They concluded that pregnenolone has beneficial effects on aging-related conditions such as cognitive decline, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease.


What Does it Do and Why Do You Need it?

DHEA is known as “The Youth Hormone,” because levels decline sharply with age.

It’s a hormone that your body produces in your Adrenal Gland. You need enough DHEA in order to produce Testosterone and Super T.

If you don’t have enough DHEA, then it’s impossible to have enough Super T, and your sexual performance and manliness WILL suffer.

Where’s The Proof That it Works?

The snippet below, from, shows the many benefits of DHEA, and shows you why it’s a key ingredient in Super T:

Nettle Root Extract

What Does it Do and Why Do You Need it?

Nettle Root Extract is extremely powerful and nutrient dense. It helps to keep your Estrogen (female hormone) Levels low, and your Testosterone Levels high. Remember: you need high Testosterone, so your body can convert some of it into Super T.

If you have HIGH Estrogen and LOW Testosterone, then it’s impossible to have enough Super T, and your sexual performance, confidence and manliness WILL suffer.

Also, high Estrogen in men is NOT a good thing. Nettle Root Extract helps to prevent the conversion of Testosterone to Estrogen.

Where’s The Proof That it Works?

In a study by Matthew Sharp et al[9] they looked at the effects of supplements on body composition and male performance.

They found that Nettle Root Extract
increased the amount of free (active) Testosterone.

Butea Superba

What Does it Do and Why Do You Need it?

Butea Superba is a powerful herb that grows in India, China, Vietnam and Thailand…

Hardly anybody knows about it in the West, yet it’s been used in Eastern Medicine for thousands of years. To treat low sex-drive and erectile dysfunction. Particularly in middle aged and older men.

Where’s The Proof That it Works?

A study[10] by Cherdshewasart and colleagues examined the effects of Butea Superba on androgenic activity…

They found that Butea Superba

  • Increased the weight of the testes,
  • Seminal vesicles,
  • And prostate glands,
  • As well as the serum levels of testosterone
  • And Super T.

They also observed that Butea Superba enhanced

  • Sexual

  • Improving

  • Erection

  • And Ejaculation Volume

In another study[11], that took place in Thailand, researchers wanted to see the effects of Butea Superba on males struggling with erectile dysfunction.

The study lasted 3 months, and participants ranged in age from 30 to 70 years old…

82.4% of patients saw significant improvement in their ED, with no adverse reactions.

And that’s not all…

To Maximize Your Super T Levels…

…and Supercharge Your Sexual Performance, Confidence and Manly Traits…

Scientific Studies have also shown that you should take the following 8 nutrients:

  • Zinc

    An essential nutrient (especially for men). Often lacking in the Standard American Diet. Helps to boost DHEA, Testosterone and Super T Levels.

  • Magnesium

    Responsible for over 300 Biochemical Reactions in the human body. 80% of Americans are deficient. Supports optimal levels of DHEA, Testosterone and Super T Levels.

  • Vitamin C

    One of the most important vitamins for Immunity and Cardiovascular health. Ensures Pregnenolone converts to DHEA (essential for Testosterone and Super T Levels).

  • Vitamin B6

    Important for Brain, Nervous System and Immune System health. Helps support optimal Testosterone and Super T Levels.

  • B Complex/Biotin

    Essential for Energy and Stamina. Helps to maximize Testosterone and Super T Levels.

  • Tribulus Terrestris

    Improves Sexual Performance, Erection Quality, Fertility and Athletic Performance. Encourages the conversion of Testosterone into Super T.

  • Vitamin D

    Vital for countless aspects of health, including Immunity,
    strong Bones and Teeth, positive Mood and healthy Weight Loss. Supports optimal Super T Levels and overall manliness.

  • Apigenin

    This bioflavonoid reduces Stress and Anxiety, supports the Immune System, and regulates Hormones. Supports optimal Super T Levels, Sex-Drive, Erection Quality and Confidence.

The New Alpha Presents:

The World’s First and Best Dihydrotestosterone (Super T) Booster -
Designed to Give Men Aged 40 Plus Stronger Sex-Drive and
Performance, Increased Energy and Confidence, Better Sleep and
Mood, and So Much More…

Super T is the world’s first supplement designed to safely and naturally
increase your dihydrotestosterone (Super T) Levels. The most powerful type of Testosterone (hence the name “Super T”).


Big Pharma sells men drugs that REDUCE their Super T levels. And it makes these drugs using studies 20-30 years out of date…

Leaving millions of men weak, limp “down there,” and lifeless…

All in the name of corporate PROFIT and GREED.

The truth is…

Super T is the exact type of Testosterone that gives you ALL your manly qualities. Including erections as hard as steel.

Key Point: You should do everything in your power to INCREASE Super T. Especially as you age.

When you INCREASE your Super T Levels you can experience:

  • Stronger Libido and Harder Performance
  • Greater Energy Levels and Rock-Solid Confidence
  • Deeper Sleep and Better Mood
  • More Strength and Less Body-Fat
  • Reduced Stress and Anxiety
  • Improved overall Health (stronger Immunity, healthier joints, increased feelings of “well-being” and so on)

Best Part?

Increasing your Super T Levels is now easy:

Take 2 easy-to-swallow, high quality capsules of The Super T Formula a day.

That’s it!

The ingredients in Super T are all provided in the correct doses and strengths to best support your Super T Levels. As proven by Science.

This explains…

Why Super T Will Work for You
(Even If Everything Else You’ve Tried
Has Failed)...

There are 3 good reasons why Super T WILL work for you…

Even if you’re tried countless other herbs, supplements, diets and “lifestyle changes”...

…and none of them have worked!


It Increases The Key Hormone that Makes You Look, Feel and Perform Like a Man…

Many supplements for men aim to boost Testosterone…

But only this formula is designed to boost Super T

The ULTIMATE form of Testosterone.

FACT: One molecule of Super T is 10X as powerful as normal Testosterone.
Because it has a 10 times more powerful effect on your androgen receptors.

Remember: Androgen = Manly.

If you really want to have a HIGH Sex-Drive…

Rock Hard Erections…

And the Energy, Confidence and Health to live your life to the fullest…

Then you HAVE TO optimize your Super T Levels. It is The KING. The Key Hormone for Men.


It Contains Scientifically Proven Nutrients…

In every high quality, easy to swallow capsule of Super T you get…

The exact NUTRIENTS necessary to
MAXIMIZE your Super T Levels.

Each nutrient has been carefully researched and is backed by scientific studies.

The ultimate aim isn’t to “boost Testosterone” (though The Formula will do that)...

It’s to boost Super T.


The Nutrients Are Provided in The Correct Doses and Strengths…

Taking the correct nutrients is good…

However, to optimize your Super T Levels…

And get all the manly benefits. Such as healthy libido, strong erections and high confidence…

You need to take the nutrients in the correct DOSE. And STRENGTHS.

And that’s what you get in every serving (2 capsules) of The Super T Formula…

The correct nutrients. In a scientifically supported dose and strength. To fully optimize your Super T Levels.

These 3 reasons put Super T in a league of its own…

The only product on the market that boosts the specific type of Testosterone that’s 10X as powerful as regular Testosterone!!

Here’s The Bad News…

Sorry to tell you this…

But, the ingredients in Super T are hard to get hold of in the right quality and potency. And they’re expensive…

During our tests, it cost over $1,300 for a 30 day supply. Per person! That’s nearly $16,000 for a year’s supply.

To make matters worse

Several of these ingredients taste like crap! Extremely bitter.

Thankfully, Elwin and I have made taking these nutrients EASY and AFFORDABLE for you…

Every capsule of The Super T Formula is high quality and easy-to-swallow…

Containing ALL the Super T~ boosting nutrients you’ve read about in this letter. In the exact strengths and quantities needed for maximum results…

Super T is 100% Safe and Natural…

Free From:

  • Refined

  • Trans

  • Artificial Sweeteners, Preservatives, & Flavorings…

  • Added

  • Anything Genetically Modified…

Made in an FDA Registered, GMP Certified Manufacturing Facility in the USA. So you know that what it says on the label, is exactly what you get. In every single capsule.

Sure, it costs us A LOT to have The Super T Formula manufactured to this standard… but we know that a high quality product, that gives you REAL RESULTS, is what’s necessary to:

  • Let us sleep soundly at night, knowing we’re doing good work that’s positive for men in the US and all over the world
  • Get repeat customers who love us - which, let's face it, is what’s necessary for us to keep running a successful business (with satisfied customers in more than 150 countries worldwide and counting!)

What’s Super T Going to Cost?

Not $1,300 a month, that’s for sure!

Even though that’s what it cost us when we were testing (because we had to buy the ingredients individually, from different companies located all over the world).

And, crazy as it might sound…

Given how good Super T is going to make you feel - you’d probably say it was money well spent even if we did charge $1,300 a month for it!

But, listen.

I’m not here to run a business that caters to the Rich and Famous, or the Elites.

I’m here to serve my fellow man - to help as many decent, hard working, honorable men get fitter, healthier and more vital.

That’s my Mission.

To do that, I have to price The Super T Formula in a way that lets as many men as possible get their hands on a bottle…

Without making a loss (because, like you, I have bills to pay. And this is how I make my living. So I do have to make a small profit on each order).

With that in mind, I’ll cut to the chase…

The usual Retail Price of Super T will be $97 per bottle. That’s a month’s supply.

Check the screenshot below and you’ll see the price of Super T right now, on my online store…

However, on this page you won’t pay $97 per bottle.

In fact, you can pay as little as $47/bottle - if you make the wise decision to invest in the 6 bottle option below…

Investing in 6 bottles is a great idea, because:

  • 1
    It ensures you’ll have a 6 month supply of Super T, so you get these powerful nutrients into your system for months to come, without running out
  • 2
    Supply is limited, we may run out at any time (and when we do, I don’t know how long it’ll take to restock. Because the ingredients are rare, and take time to ship to our US facility)

Best Value!

6 Month Supply

Retail Price: $594


Great Value!

3 Month Supply

Retail Price: $297


Good Value!

1 Month Supply

Retail Price: $99

+$19.95 Shipping

Important :


Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The SUPER T Formula (because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments, & you can cancel anytime.

Here’s Your Triple Threat
Money-Back Guarantee

If you’re skeptical right now, I get it.

After all, I’m suggesting that you BOOST a type of Testosterone that many medical professionals will tell you to LOWER. If you’re over 40.

But here’s the thing…

As I’ve shown you on this page - using real Science - Super T is essential for…

  • High libido and strong performance…
  • Energy, confidence and a positive mood…
  • Quality sleep…
  • Physical strength…
  • Drive and determination…
  • And many other factors related to overall health and vitality…

If you want to be all the MAN that you can be…

You need to optimize your Super T Levels. Period. Full Stop. The End.

  • It can be the difference between having an unstoppable sex-drive…

    Or looking at a beautiful woman and feeling nothing at all…

  • It can be the difference between having steel-hard erections…

    Or suffering the indignity of not being able to get hard at all… and your marriage falling apart as a result.

  • Super T can be the difference between sleeping like a baby, and living your days full of energy, with a never-ending zest for life…

    Or endless nights of broken sleep, terrible energy levels, and constantly feeling “down in the dumps.”

Is it a no-brainer for men over 40 to try Super T?

Of course it is! (Unless you’re already as fit, healthy and sexually powerful as you were when you were 25. In which case you may not need it).

However, I want to make this decision irresistible for you. And I’ll do it by making it RISK-FREE.

When you order 1, 3 or 6 bottles of Super T today, you'll be covered by my Triple Threat Money-Back Guarantee…

Meaning that you can ask for your money-back for any reason, within 120 days of purchase. And you’ll get it promptly and courteously, even if you…

  • Simply don’t like the look of the packaging…
  • Aren’t getting the results you want…
  • Felt the delivery times weren’t good enough…

That said, it’s highly unlikely that you’ll ask for a refund, because:

  • Super T works - as proven by our test subjects (it WILL make you feel A LOT more manly. With a sex-drive and performance to match)
  • Delivery is FREE if you order 3 or 6 bottles (and usually only takes 3 days if you live in the US)
  • The packaging is highly quality, looks great, and it’s discrete in your kitchen cupboard

So what are you waiting for?

Choose the number of bottles you want below. Click “Order Now.” Have your credit/debit card ready. And then follow my simple, safe and 100% secure checkout process…

Best Value!

6 Month Supply

Retail Price: $594


Great Value!

3 Month Supply

Retail Price: $297


Good Value!

1 Month Supply

Retail Price: $99

+$19.95 Shipping

Important :


Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The SUPER T Formula (because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments, & you can cancel anytime.

How Would You Feel If Someone “Turned Off” Your Manliness and Left
You Feeling Like a “Fake Man” for The
Rest of Your Life?

The situation is UGLY…

Many men over 40 are struggling and suffering because…

Your Government extracts taxes from you…

Taking money that you could otherwise give to your KIDS and GRANDKIDS…

And what does it do with it?

  • Spends it on
    illegal wars…

  • A lousy education system…

  • A fake “healthcare” system…

Then allows a food supply that slowly but surely poisons its people to death over the course of decades.

As a man, your Government wants you to be emasculated. Weak, docile and obedient. It wants you to be a Low Testosterone (and more accurately: a Low Super T) man.

Look around you and you’ll see it’s succeeding quite nicely…

People work their ass off…

Pay their taxes…

And what do they have to show for it?

By the time many men hit 50 or 60…

They’re done!

A shadow of their former selves…

On their knees. Broke. Low quality of life.

Yet most still have another 10-20 years of HARD WORK to do. And TAXES to PAY…

…before they retire in poverty and live out the rest of their lives riddled with dis-ease, on a cocktail of toxic drugs…

…with maybe a handful of painful (potentially unnecessary or preventable) surgeries thrown in for good measure.

Sound good?


Didn’t think so.

  • Are you ready to say “NO” to THAT?
  • Are you ready to give A Big Fat 2 Fingered Salute to THAT way of living?
  • Would you like to look, feel and perform like a MAN again?
  • Would you like to sleep well each night?
  • Wake up feeling ENERGIZED, upbeat and positive?
  • Ready to kick-ass, get shit done, and live up to your true potential?
  • Would you like to go for a run or bike ride… hit the gym, tennis court or golf links and feel fitter and stronger than ever before? Fitter and stronger than all your buddies?
  • Would you like a ferocious sex-drive and the performance of a bull?
  • Would you like to be generally full of drive, determination and ambition?
  • Would you like to feel fit, healthy and totally unstoppable?

If you're now FIRED UP and READY TO GO…

If you have the courage to TAKE ACTION & turn things around…

Then you already know what to do…

You need to boost your Levels of Super T… and the only way to do this safely and naturally is with The NEW Super T Formula from The New Alpha…

Action Steps:

  • Choose how many bottles you want below…

  • Click “Order Now”...

  • Have your credit or debit card ready…

  • Follow my simple, safe and secure 1-step checkout…

…and please remember to send me your success story when you’ve used Super T to INCREASE your Super T Levels and it’s made you feel like A King among Men…

Best Value!

6 Month Supply

Retail Price: $594


Great Value!

3 Month Supply

Retail Price: $297


Good Value!

1 Month Supply

Retail Price: $99

+$19.95 Shipping

Important :


Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The SUPER T Formula (because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments, & you can cancel anytime.

Have a great day, and I’ll talk to you soon…

Your friend,

Adam Armstrong
Co-Founder of The New Alpha,
Co-Creator of Super T

P.S. Do you want to improve your libido and sexual performance?

Science has proven that the biggest gains in libido, performance and overall manliness happen when you increase Super T…

A very specific type of testosterone that’s 10X as powerful as normal Testosterone!

Super T is responsible for ALL your manly traits, including:

  • Libido and erection quality…
  • Confidence…
  • Energy…
  • Physical strength…
  • Maintaining low body-fat…
  • Sleeping well…
  • Feeling driven, determined, ambitious and much more.

The Super T Formula is one of a kind…

A safe, natural way to help your body create more Super T - so you can look, feel and perform like more of a MAN!

P.P.S. It’s a MYTH that Super T causes Prostate enlargement. The science “proving” that to be the case is flawed and out of date…

But Big Pharma still uses it because they want to keep selling their emasculating Super T blocking drugs. Drugs which make them BILLIONS every year.

The true cause of Prostate Enlargement is actually Estrogen (the female hormone). This is PROVEN in many modern, up to date medical studies.

P.P.P.S. The usual price of The Super T Formula will be $97 per bottle. However, on this page you can get bottles as little as $47 per bottle (if you choose the 6 bottle option below).

You need to hurry though, because stock is NOT unlimited. Super T WILL sell out (and when it does, I don’t know how long it’ll take to restock. Because the ingredients are rare, and take time to ship to our US manufacturing facility).

Of course, you can try Super T today with NO RISK whatsoever. Because you're covered by my Rock Solid 120 Day Money Back Guarantee.

Best Value!

6 Month Supply

Retail Price: $594


Great Value!

3 Month Supply

Retail Price: $297


Good Value!

1 Month Supply

Retail Price: $99

+$19.95 Shipping

Important :


Saves you money on every shipment, and guarantees you’ll always have access to The SUPER T Formula (because we always ensure we have stock for Platinum Customer Club Members). There is no minimum number of payments, & you can cancel anytime.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Super T?

Super T is a safe, natural formula. Designed to help your body create more Super T - so you can look, feel and perform like more of a MAN!

Super T is 10X as powerful as Testosterone. Explaining why it makes men incredibly MANLY.

If you want to boost your sex-drive, erection quality, confidence and overall health and vitality, Super T is the formula for you.

What is The Difference Between Testosterone and Super T?

Super T is a type of Testosterone.

It is the most androgenic (man-making) type. Because it has a ten times more powerful effect on your Androgen Receptors.

Meaning Super T is the type of Testosterone that gives you ALL your masculine traits:

  • Sex-Drive and Performance…
  • Confidence…
  • Energy…
  • Strength…
  • Low Body-Fat…
  • Drive, Determination, Ambition and so on.

You can think of having HIGH Testosterone like somebody writing you a check for $1,000,000. That check looks nice and has A LOT of potential buying power. But it can’t actually do anything for you until you CASH it!

Having High Testosterone works in a similar way. There’s a lot of potential to it, but you can’t realize that potential (manliness, sex-drive, erection quality, confidence, energy, strength etc), until you convert it into Super T!)

What are the ingredients in Super T?

Does Super T Cause Prostate Enlargement?

No. The most up to date science proves that too much Estrogen (the female hormone) is what causes Prostate Enlargement, NOT Super T.

That said, if you have prostate enlargement, and you’re on any treatments for it, then we recommend discussing Super T with your Doctor before using it.

Will Super T Make Me Lose My Hair?

There’s a small chance it could lead to some hair loss.

Though the truth is:

Hair loss is much more likely to be caused by stress, genetics and environmental toxins.

Honestly, increasing Super T could increase hair loss in a small percentage of men, if taken over a long period of time. But, you have to weigh up the pros and cons…

Which would you rather:

Keep your hair and have LOW Super T, poor libido, lousy performance, and generally NOT look, feel or perform in a very manly way?


Have HIGHER Super T, maybe lose a bit of hair (though probably not), and have high sex-drive, rock hard erections, loads of confidence, energy to burn, tons of physical strength, lower body-fat, more drive, determination, and, well, I could go on…

But I think you get the idea!

And, let's face it…

Being bald didn’t stop the guys below getting laid, did it? But being weak, emasculated, limp “down there” and having low Super T will!

Is Super T Safe?


All the ingredients are 100% Safe and Natural. Mixed in the precise quantities supported by science.

How Do I Take It?

2 easy-to-swallow high quality capsules a day. Couldn’t be easier.

When Will I See Results?

This will differ from man to man.

That said, most men will see results within 3-5 days. Some will see results quicker, others will take a little longer.

To give yourself the best chance to experience the very best results possible, be CONSISTENT and take 2 capsules of Super T a day, every day.

Is There Anything I Can Do to Get Even Quicker My Results?

Yes, and it’s common sense stuff that most people don’t do!

  • Try to sleep 7-9 hours a night…
  • Eat a healthy balanced diet at least 90% of the time…
  • Do some Cardiovascular Exercise (a 10 minute walk a day is a good start)...
  • Do some Resistance Based Exercise (two 20 minute sessions a week is good. Basic exercises like Push Ups, bodyweight Squats and Lunges will do the job)...
  • Be consistent and take Super T daily. As recommended on the label: 2 capsules/day

Does My Order Come with a Guarantee?

Yes, you can try The Super T Formula with NO RISK today. Your order is covered by our 120 Day Money-Back Guarantee.

In the unlikely event that you decide you want a refund, simply:

  • Contact my support team via phone or email
  • Request a refund
  • Send your bottles back (open or unopened, empty or full)
  • My team will process your refund. No questions asked

How Much is Shipping?

FREE in the US, for orders of 3 or 6 bottles.

$19.95 for 1 bottle orders.

If you’re outside of the US, shipping is a flat rate of $40 (so it makes most sense to order 3 or 6 bottles because that way the shipping fee isn’t so high).

What if My Order Fails to Arrive?

We have excellent shipping. Over 99% of our orders get to our US based customers within 3-5 working days. International orders usually take longer, but are still very reliable.

In the unlikely event that your order does not arrive when you expect, then we are here to help…

My friendly, US Based, English Speaking Support Team is available 20 hours a day. 363 days a year. Because we are committed to providing our customers unrivaled support.

You can contact support in 2 ways:


Phone: +1 (917) 675-3052

How Do I Contact Your Customer Service Team?

My friendly, US Based, English Speaking Support Team is available 20 hours a day. 363 days a year. We are committed to providing our customers unrivaled support.

You can contact support in 2 ways:


Phone: +1 (917) 675-3052