DO NOT deposit another dollar into your bank account until you read this book!

I'm On a Mission to Send Every American with a Bank Account a FREE Copy of My New Book

The Unbanked Survival Guide


Not many people know my name.

That’s because I’ve purposely stayed in the shadows for a decade, working closely with some of the biggest names in politics, finance and economics…

Working as a Congressional staffer for Dr. Ron Paul…

Ron Paul and Mr. X

Working with former CIA-Advisor Jim Rickards…

Jim Rickards and Mr. X

And with Rich Dad Poor Dad author, Robert Kiyosaki…

Robert Kiyosaki and Mr. X

Plus, many, many others you probably know of that I won’t list here:

Mr. X

And while I can’t share the most private conversations I have with these giants…

I can tell you that based on conversations with my network that something BIG is coming for your bank account…

And much sooner than you ever thought possible.

Which is why I’m stepping out of the shadows today…

And rushing every single American citizen who has at least a dollar to his name a FREE digital copy of my new book.

It’s called: The Unbanked Survival Guide: How to Retake Control of Your Money and Become Your Own Bank.

And it’s nearly 200 pages of brass-tacks solutions to get out of the banking system and get back in control of your money.

The Unbanked Survival Guide is my first book since stepping out from the shadows.

Right now, it’s NOT available anywhere except for right here on this page.

It’s based on the best ways to opt-out of the traditional banking system via my expert contacts in the financial protection industry.

Because my contacts are telling me we could just be days away from a lockdown of our banking system…

Three Little Charts and the Coming Lockdown of Your Bank Account

You don’t need a PhD in economics to see that your bank account and every dollar you own is at risk right now.

Interest rates have spiked to over 5%...


That has triggered three massive bank failures in 2023 so far.

And so, Americans are naturally pulling their money from banks at record rates.

Over $1 trillion has been frantically withdrawn out of banks in 2023:


But there is still $7 TRILLION in uninsured deposits still parked at 24 of the biggest banks:


More than half of ALL bank accounts are uninsured.

Meaning if any of those banks went under then up to $7 TRILLION in bank accounts would go *poof*.

All of that money is at risk…

And all those depositors will try to flee the banking system and find safety somewhere else.

But let’s get real for a minute…

Do you really believe the bankers and the Biden Administration are going to let half of all bank deposits simply leave the banking system and let the banks collapse???

Hell. No.
They're going to lock the exits and trap you in the banking system.

And it’s not just my opinion…

Listen to former billion-dollar hedge fund manager, Hugh Hendry. His fund returned 30% to clients during the 2008 financial crisis.

And now he’s warning about the coming bank lock-downs. Press the play button to see what he said on Bloomberg Markets:

Did you catch that?

They're going to put a lock on your deposits.

The “gate” to your bank account will be shut.

And you won’t be allowed to exit.

He’s recommending you panic.

I’m recommending you get “unbanked” NOW.

Listen, working behind the scenes with some of the biggest names in finance…

I can tell you this with 100% confidence:

*** The U.S. banking system is hanging off the edge of a cliff.

*** And if your money is in an account at one of the 99% of U.S. banks, I believe your account could be locked down and in many cases, outright confiscated.

That’s why I want to rush you a FREE digital copy of The Unbanked Survival Guide right away…

The Unbanked Survival Guide is NOT available on Amazon… or in any bookstore…

Frankly, I don’t want it on big-tech or big-governments radar…

I value discretion and privacy.

Instead, I’m going to only share a digital copy through a secure online portal today to any concerned American who follows the instructions on this page.

But before I show you how to claim your free digital copy let me tell you a little bit more about what’s inside…

Over 200 Tips, Tricks & Instructions for
Getting Your Money “Unbanked”

You’ll learn:

✅ A special private contract that can turn your cash balance “invisible” in the eyes of politicians… the IRS… and the banks… page 25

✅ How to earn 5x, 10x, 20x, 30x or more on your savings than in a traditional savings account (without using CDs, dividend stocks or bonds)... page 24

✅ Why I’ve moved the majority of my net worth into what I call “The Control Account”... page 27

✅ An amazing but little-known alternative to a traditional bank to save your cash (it’s NOT a Credit Union, it’s NOT a money market account and it’s NOT holding cash in a brokerage account. 99% of people don’t know about this solution)... page 29…

✅ How to replace your bank while also allowing your heirs to inherit your money tax-free… page 30

✅ How to be “unbanked” PLUS get tax-free income in retirement at the same time… page 31

✅ A pocket “Swiss Bank Account” that offers you privacy, access and anonymity over your deposits… page 37

✅ Why former President Obama HATES this one “unbanked” solution (and why that means you should run towards it!)... page 39

✅ A peer-to-peer electronic cash system available to 90% of Americans to save and transact with their money in a secure and private way… page 41

✅ How to put your money on a non-inflationary monetary standard… page 48

✅ How to legally and ethically side-step capital controls on your money… page 47

✅ A 100% legal banking alternative that doesn’t require you to comply with Know Your Customer or Anti-Money Launder regulations (ways that the banks can snoop on and track your info)... page 49

✅ A way to ditch the identity theft risks that come with bank logins… and protect your savings with military-grade security (this solution leverages encryption known as “SHA-256” which is one of the strongest security measures known to man)... page 49

✅ How to pay zero transaction fees when sending your money to another person… page 50

✅ How to wire money 120 times FASTER than a traditional bank (traditional bank wires are maddeningly slow and difficult)... page 50

✅ The pros and cons of using Bitcoin as a banking alternative… page 67.

✅ How to make sure any cryptocurrency you own is safe, secure and off-the-grid yet ready to be used at a moments notice… page 57

✅ A way to use cryptocurrencies at stores without needing any complicated technology (in fact, the stores won’t even know you’re using crypto AND they won’t be able to track your purchase)... page 70

✅ How to use one banking alternative to get 15% off on Amazon purchases (this is 5X better than any cash-back reward a traditional bank has ever offered me)... page 52

✅ An alternative accounting software that will help you stay “unbanked” while making sure the IRS has absolutely no reason to audit you… page 74

✅ The right way to “bank” using gold and silver (most precious metal owners do this totally wrong)... page 84

✅ A way to get more upside from gold WITHOUT touching ETFs or gold miners… page 90

✅ How to evade capital controls using physical gold… page 91

✅ Alternatives to taking physical delivery of your gold and silver… page 97

✅ The one way NEVER to buy gold if you want ownership, privacy and safety… page 96

✅ 5 letters you need to understand if you want to hide valuables in your home without them being destroyed… page 135

✅ The six side test for any home safe to know whether your valuables are burglar-proof… page 137

✅ 8 steps you MUST take if you own a home safe… page 138

✅ 6 common personal safe mistakes you need to avoid at all costs… page 139

✅ Introductions to four private vault facilities… page 142

✅ Three ways to replace bank-lending in your life… page 145

✅ A “mini-IPO” loophole for American investors… page 159

✅ The laws on the books that can be used to confiscate your physical cash could be confiscated and how to protect yourself… page 112

I could go on and on and on…

You’re just going to have to grab a copy and read the whole thing for yourself.

I promise you: If you carefully read and study the free digital copy I’m going to send you, you’ll never feel dependent on a traditional bank again.

You’ll be armed with exact steps to take back control of your money and your bank account.

The window to act is right now…

Already, one major bank is making it very hard for depositors to withdraw their money.

Look at this recent headline from Benzinga:

Major Bank Demands Customers Prove Withdrawals Are Valid, Warns Cash Can Be Refused At Will

The article explained that: The bank added that it will block customers from withdrawing cash if it believes there's an issue.”

Does that sound like YOU are in control of YOUR money?

Or does it sound like the BANK is in control of your money?

I believe the banking exits are going to slam shut in the coming weeks…

Make no mistake, the time to get “unbanked” and take back control is NOW.

Once the exits slam shut… it will be too late to do anything.

That’s why I’m urgently sending out secured-digital copies of this book to every American with at least a dollar in the bank.

It’s yours FREE today when you accept my invitation.

I’ve put a lot of work into bringing all of this information to you.

But before you tell me where to send your digital copy…

I need to tell you about a bigger mission I’m on…

Helping everyday people like you and me take back control of our money and freedom.

I don’t just want to send you a book for free, today.

That alone won’t be enough to help you navigate the coming months.

I want to put you back in control of all areas of your life…

Control is the #1 issue of our times.

In every area of your life, politicians, bureaucrats, money managers and all sorts of busybodies are trying to control your life.

That’s why I’ve created several “Control Companions” to help you reclaim control…

Bonus #1:

The Unbanked Checklist

(Value: $47)

It starts with The Unbanked Checklist

“The Unbanked Checklist” - puts everything from my new book The Unbanked Survival Guide into rapid action to actually become your own bank faster.

The Control Report

Harness the FULL power of the Unbanked Survival Guide now with this highly actionable Unbanked Checklist.

This powerful tool acts as your personal blueprint, translating the comprehensive insights of the book into actionable steps.

Witness an unprecedented transformation as you seamlessly transition into the unbanked world.

The benefits?

Lightning-fast implementation, clear-cut strategies, and a leap forward on your journey to financial sovereignty.

It's not just a checklist; it's your key to unlock the untapped potential of the unbanked lifestyle.

Bonus #2:

30 Banks to Avoid

(Value: $97)

Imagine losing all your money overnight due to your bank's collapse or other unsavory or salacious banking activity.

Shocking, isn't it?

This is where "The 30 Banks to Avoid", an eye-opening report, becomes a game-changer.

The Control Report

This brand new, one-of-a-kind premium report ranks the 30 worst banks that pose a threat to your wealth and shines a light on four bastions where your money isn't just secure—it grows.

It will show you a damning admission for banking insiders about the state of our banking system… and why you should be very worried about your bank accounts.

If you have money in ANY of these financial institutions, you need to run for the exits.

Don't gamble with your financial future; arm yourself with knowledge and ensure your money's safety with The 30 Banks to Avoid.

It’s yours free when you accept my invitation today…

But that’s not all. I also want to send you…

Bonus #3:

An Introduction to the #1 Gold and Silver Provider for Safe, Secure Purchases

(Value: $77)

And as a bonus, I’m including my exclusive gold guide called The Solid Gold Secret. It’s packed with even more tips and insights to help you get unbanked with precious metals.

With this guide, you'll discover the secrets to safeguarding your assets and protecting your portfolio from market volatility using precious metals the RIGHT WAY.

With "The Solid Gold Secret," you'll also gain access to insider knowledge on the benefits of gold investment and how to spot and avoid common pitfalls like paper gold scams.

The Control Report

And you’ll get an introduction to my #1 recommended secure place to purchase and store your precious metals.

Bonus #4:

Proprietary Tool to Control, Protect and Grow Your Money

(Value: $95)

We've developed a tool called “The Control Hourglass.”

It might sound like a strange name… but you’ll see this Control Hourglass is a revolutionary tool that helps you visualize and track your wealth-building progress.

It shows 13 different levels of money… from how the mainstream financial system works and tries to control your money… to how you can structure your financial life for maximum control, safety and growth of your finances.

It allows you to input where you stand financially right now, and immediately tells you where your money is at risk and where you can get more control.

Don't leave your financial future to chance.

The Control Report

You can access this tool right away when you accept my offer today…

How can you claim all of this?

I’ll tell you in just a second, but first one more thing…

Circle December 31st on Your Calendar

I’ve just launched a very special project called The Control Report.


It’s a special newsletter report I publish every single month to thousands of Americans like you.

The next one is scheduled for release December 31st.

Every issue is focused on a trend unfolding in the economy… the financial markets… or politics that directly impacts the amount of control you have over your life.

And I bring actionable ideas to taking back control so you can be in the driver's seat of your freedom, your financials and your future.

Now, listen. I’m no expert. I know a lot of experts. And I’m personally trying to figure out how the world works, how I can protect my money, my family and business and how I can capitalize on what I see coming.

I have many of the same concerns and questions you do about the strains and volatility in DC, Wall Street and in my local area. 

So, I’ll be working with my network to figure out what the heck is going on and how we can all get more control in light of it. 

And talking to my contacts, researching deeper, thinking hard about all of it, and writing it all into a Control Report issue each month helps me to clarify my thoughts and actions.

In all, you’ll receive 3 brand new issues of The Control Report over the next 3 months.

These are monthly 20-plus page reports all geared toward giving you maximum control.

Sometimes it might be a new opportunity to get unbanked…

Other times, it could be a pressing-opportunity I’m seeing in the stock market…

Other times, it could be a personal finance strategy to make more money… keep more of the money you make… increase your privacy or use of your money…

Other times we could be looking at alternative investment strategies.

Other times we might look at a health issue…

Or an opportunity in real estate.

Anything that impacts the level of control you have over your freedom and future will be on the table.

You’ll be able to submit your questions, too, to be addressed in future issues.

You can claim a free digital copy of The Unbanked Survival Guide plus access to everything I’ve discussed for FREE when you join The Control Report today.

The Control Report

The Control Report is different from any other publication in the marketplace today.

Right now, this research service is only available to several thousand readers -- all of whom have paid $995 or more to access The Control Report.

I think that’s more than a fair price for the research you’ll be receiving…

But when you accept my offer today, you’ll pay just $99

That’s a 95% discount off of the price members have paid right now.

You’ll get everything I’ve listed:

🔥 The Unbanked Survival Guide: You’ll receive a digital copy of my new 172 page book showing you how to retake control of your money and become your own bank.

🔥 The Unbanked Checklist: Your quick start to getting unbanked FAST...

🔥 30 Banks and Bank Stocks to Avoid: A toxic list of banks and bank stocks to avoid. If you have any money deposited in these banks, run for the exits FAST.

🔥 The Solid Gold Secret: With this guide, you'll discover the secrets to safeguarding your assets and protecting your portfolio from market volatility using precious metals the RIGHT WAY. And you’ll get my #1 recommended secure place to purchase and store your precious metals.

🔥 The Control Hourglass Tool: This revolutionary tool helps you visualize and track your wealth-building progress. It shows 13 different levels of money… from how the mainstream financial system works and tries to control your money… to how you can structure your financial life for maximum control, safety and growth of your finances. It allows you to input where you stand financially right now, and immediately tells you where your money is at risk and where you can get more control.

🔥 3 months of The Control Report: Thousands have paid $995 to access this material and more. The next issue of The Control Report is scheduled for release on December 31st. Every issue is focused on a trend unfolding in the economy, the financial markets or in politics that directly impacts the amount of control you have over your life. These 20-page reports give you actionable ideas to take back control so you can be in the driver's seat of your freedom, your financials and your future.

I will not leave this offer open for long. I’ll need to hear from you right now.

Click the button below to get started.

The Control Report